You may recognize famous cultivars like Aunt Molly or Tomayo, but how much do you really know about the diverse and wonderful world of ground
Smart Tips for Growing Ground Cherries
The ground cherry resembles a tomatillo with its papery husk. However, the plants produce tropical golden fruit that is slightly sweet, with a texture that is a cross between a tomato and a grape. It’s a fun addition to the garden with its unique appearance and flavor, and growing ground cherries is easier than you may think. There are many ground cherry types to choose from, including Cape gooseberry and Garden Huckleberry. One ground cherry plant yields 300 fruits with non-stop production until the first frost.
Our planting information will have you growing ground cherries of your own in no time. Find out how to sow ground cherry seeds and seedlings with proper spacing, how much sun and water these plants need and their soil requirements. Discover which plants to grow with ground cherry plants and which ones to avoid to ensure you get a healthy and productive crop. Learn how long you have to wait to harvest while growing ground cherries and tips for using them in recipes.
When to Plant Ground Cherries
Ground cherry plants are a fun fruit to grow if you’re looking for something different. They are fast-growing, sprawling shrubs, and the sweet-tart flavor of
How to Harvest Ground Cherries
Ground cherries, or Physalis pruinosa (P pruinosa), are a little-known fruit easy to grow at home with few pest and disease concerns. It’s no surprise
How to Grow Ground Cherries
If you’re looking for something unique to grow, the ground cherry or cape gooseberry might be your next fruiting plant. These odd-looking fruits look like
How to Grow Ground Cherries from Seed
Physalis pruinosa (P pruinosa), or ground cherries, are a little-known easy fruit to grow in your home garden with minimal insect and disease problems. It’s
What are Ground Cherries
If you’re a fan of the sweet flavor of cherries and tropical flavors like pineapple, then ground cherries should be right up your alley. Ground
How to Grow Ground Cherries in a Container
Ground cherries or Physalis pruinosa are a little-known fruit that is simple to grow in the garden and has few pest and disease issues. With
Where to Plant Ground Cherries
Have you been looking for a bountiful garden plant that produces enough fruit to make all the jams and sauces you’ve ever dreamed of? The
How to Plant Ground Cherries
If you come across ground cherries in the wild, you might be surprised that they don’t resemble regular cherries. Ground cherries are golden berries that
Ground Cherry Companion Plants
The ripe ground cherry, or cape gooseberry, is a fast-growing fruit that is a beautiful addition to the garden, especially if you don’t have the