A flea infestation on dogs is a scenario no pet owner wants to deal with. Without the proper knowledge and tools, it’s difficult and intimidating to get rid of flea infestation on a dog.
Fleas create a host of problems in the home, from itching pets to unhappy family members suffering from a flea bite. Flea saliva irritates the skin and causes flea allergy dermatitis and a severe disease control risk. An infected flea may carry a host of diseases, and at one time, these disgusting pests played a critical role in the bubonic plague.
Ctenocephalides canis (C Canis), or the dog flea, is a typical flea species found in homes; the other is the cat flea or Ctenocephalides felis (C felis). Despite their names, cat fleas and dog fleas don’t stick to one species, and a dog with fleas may be dealing with a C felis infestation. Fortunately, the treatment for all flea species is the same, making it straightforward to get rid of flea infestation on a dog.

- Brilliant Ideas to Treat Flea Infestation on Dogs
- Natural Lemon Flea Spray
- Baking Soda for Flea Infestation on Dogs
- Treat Flea Infestation on Dogs with Neem Oil
- Get Rid of Flea Infestation on a Dog using Apple Cider Vinegar
- Try Dish Soap Flea Traps
- Flea Control for Dogs with a Dog Flea Collar
- Reduce Flea Bites with a Flea Comb
- Commercial Flea Treatment for Longterm Flea Prevention
- DIY Witch Hazel Home Flea Spray
- Brewer's Yeast has Natural Flea Benefits
- Destroy Fleas with Diatomaceous Earth
- Cleaning Helps Reduces Chances of a Flea Bite
- Regular Laundry Upkeep to Target the Cat Flea and Dog Flea
- Ultra Sonic Collar Flea Deterrents
- Garlic Spray Kills Fleas
Brilliant Ideas to Treat Flea Infestation on Dogs
When you have a flea infestation on dogs, it’s essential to take care of the problem promptly. Adult female fleas lay hundreds of flea eggs, and the flea life cycle is difficult to break. To treat flea infestation on dogs, decide on a course of action based on the severity of the problem and the supplies you have on hand.
Consider some of the ideas below to get rid of flea infestation on a dog, whether you prefer natural methods or have limited ingredients. Vacuuming and laundering are excellent places to start and reduce the flea population in your home fast.
When combined with appropriate treatment for your home and your dog, pet owners treat flea infestation on dogs and reduce the number of painful bites and unwanted scratching.
It can sometimes be challenging to know if you have fleas around. Checking your pet’s bedding and your own bedding will give you a clue, as will unwelcome bites.
Natural Lemon Flea Spray
If you prefer a more natural solution, homemade lemon flea spray offers pleasant all-natural flea repellent for cats and dogs. This spray is also excellent as a mosquito repellent.
Use more or fewer lemons depending on how much flea spray you need to make. Cut the lemon into chunks and cover with water in a pot to bring to a boil. Once the lemons have boiled, turn off the heat and let them steep overnight to create a natural flea treatment.
Because this natural flea and tick spray is just lemons and water, it may be applied directly on pets to repel fleas and ticks, though you should not use it near the eyes. This is one of the ideal home remedies for fleas on dogs without bathing them. However, don’t use citrus essential oil in place of lemons since essential oils could hurt your dogs.
Try this simple remedy as a homemade flea repellent for humans too. Use it whenever you have to be outside where fleas may be a problem.
Baking Soda for Flea Infestation on Dogs
Baking soda is an all-purpose cleaner with a reputation for having dozens of uses, so it’s no surprise it works as a natural flea repellent. Sprinkle a fine layer of baking soda on your carpets and rugs when you notice a flea issue.
Rub the baking soda into the carpet with a cleaning brush to ensure the powder reaches deep down into the fibers where flea larvae and eggs hide. Let the baking soda sit for at least an hour, then vacuum the carpet thoroughly.
To ensure you stay free of fleas, throw your vacuum bag or the contents of the dust chamber out in a sealed bag after vacuuming.
Treat Flea Infestation on Dogs with Neem Oil
Neem oil is a concentrated form of neem, coming from a tree native to India and Southeast Asia. Neem oil is known for its insecticidal properties and is used as a natural flea cure. While neem oil has numerous applications, it is perfect for repelling fleas without harming animals. It is, however, necessary to dilute it.
Dilute neem oil in a carrier oil like coconut oil at a 1:10 ratio (one part neem oil to ten parts coconut oil). Rub the diluted solution behind your pet’s ears. If your dog has pink skin, be aware applying oil before letting them outside in the sun may cause the skin to burn.
Get Rid of Flea Infestation on a Dog using Apple Cider Vinegar
It’s no surprise apple cider vinegar helps with flea prevention and may be a valuable tool to treat flea infestation on dogs. This natural flea repellent helps balance your pet’s pH levels and makes them a less hospitable environment for pests like fleas or ticks.
Apple cider vinegar is applied in small quantities behind the ears or added to pet drinking water. Consult your veterinarian before changing your pet care routine. Your vet will advise you on the correct dose of apple cider vinegar to improve your dog’s health and may have other ideas to help you get rid of flea infestation on a dog.
Try Dish Soap Flea Traps
Combining warm water and dish soap in a bowl or on a plate is all it takes to prepare a soapy water flea trap. Insects are attracted to soapy water, and they become trapped due to the mixture’s high viscosity. Once the fleas jump into the water, the low surface tension caused by the soap makes it impossible for them to escape.
Because fleas are primarily nocturnal, set out bowls of soapy water overnight with a lamp shining on them to attract even more fleas. Dish soap also works as a flea shampoo to kill fleas on dogs and cats.
Flea Control for Dogs with a Dog Flea Collar
Most pet stores carry flea collars for pet owners to place on their pets to get rid of flea infestation on a dog or help prevent future flea problems. Be sure to read the entire package, as some flea collars are designed only for cats or dogs and are dangerous to other species.
Some collars kill flea larvae and adults, while others kill eggs too. Choose the best flea collar for your situation and use it following the manufacturer’s recommendations for the best results.
Reduce Flea Bites with a Flea Comb
Flea combs remove flea eggs, flea feces or flea dirt, and the adult flea population from your pet. A flea comb has finely spaced prongs that run easily through your pet’s coat but catch tiny particles like fleas, eggs, and dirt. When preparing to flea comb your pet, have a solution of dish soap and water ready.
Run the comb through the hair coat gently, then dip it into the soapy water to remove any captured fleas and kill them. Dish soap clings to the insects and eggs to ensure they drown.
Use a flea comb every day until you see a reduction in the flea population through less itching or bites. Flea combing your pet is a perfect method to combine with an additional treatment to boost the results.
Commercial Flea Treatment for Longterm Flea Prevention
Over-the-counter or prescribed flea medication designed especially for cat fleas or dog fleas may be the answer to your flea problem. These medications target flea eggs, flea larvae, and adult flea to end the flea life cycle and ensure your dogs coat is free of every flea species. Many medications are a combined tick treatment to give the pet owner total peace of mind.
DIY Witch Hazel Home Flea Spray
After treating flea infestation on dogs, it’s critical to remove all the fleas and eggs from your home to ensure the flea life cycle is broken for good. Fortunately, many everyday items have flea-killing properties and are easy to mix into a homemade flea repellent for dogs that you can add to carpets, sofas, bedding, and other infested items.
To make this simple DIY flea spray, combine the ingredients in a spray canister, shake and spray in areas where fleas are an issue. Ensure the flea spray is fully dry before allowing pets or children back into the treated areas to avoid harm.
Note: Do not use this spray directly on pets.
Brewer’s Yeast has Natural Flea Benefits
Brewer’s yeast has long been celebrated for having many health advantages for pet dogs when added to their food. In addition to boosting vitamin and mineral intake, brewer’s yeast helps repel fleas and is a plausible way to treat flea infestation on dogs or prevent it.
Destroy Fleas with Diatomaceous Earth
Diatomaceous earth is a well-known insecticide and a favorite of many homeowners because it is safe, natural, and non-toxic. This fine white powder removes the waxy coating on the fleas to desiccate and dehydrate them to cause death.
Apply diatomaceous earth to carpets, sofas, or other affected areas and allow the powder to sit for as long as possible – ideally 48 hours, before vacuuming it up.
Cleaning Helps Reduces Chances of a Flea Bite
Flea bites are painful, and fleas are an uncomfortable inconvenience causing flea allergy dermatitis due to flea saliva and posing a threat to disease control. As soon as you notice signs of flea activity, cleaning your home is a way to get ahead.
The vacuum cleaner is a powerful tool to get rid of flea infestation on a dog by removing them from your home. Vacuum all carpets often – empty the bag or dust chamber into a sealed bin so no fleas escape back into the house.
If you have a steam cleaner, steam cleaning packs an extra punch by using heat to destroy fleas, flea larvae, and flea eggs to prevent the flea life cycle in your carpet and home.
Regular Laundry Upkeep to Target the Cat Flea and Dog Flea
Doing the laundry is an intelligent way to get a jump start on a flea problem in your home. When dealing with a flea infestation on dogs, start by collecting any fabric items where immature fleas, adult fleas, and flea eggs may be hiding.
Launder items like pet beds, bed sheets, throws, clothes, and pillow covers on a hot wash to denature and destroy the fleas, then dry on high heat in the dryer.
Since every female flea has the potential to lay hundreds of eggs, the sooner you begin to kill the fleas with simple laundry practices, the better chance you have to treat flea infestation on dogs effectively.
Ultra Sonic Collar Flea Deterrents
While many standard flea collars induce allergic reactions in your pet, an ultrasonic pet collar tag won’t. The ultrasonic collar does not contain any chemicals and is entirely safe for use at home.
These collar tags produce an ultrasonic frequency that cannot be heard or felt by humans and pets while it disturbs and repels fleas. It’s as simple as purchasing the tag, attaching it to your pet’s collar, and turning it on, making it an easy and convenient flea management option.
Garlic Spray Kills Fleas
When it comes to flea control, don’t forget about the exterior of your house. Prepare an essential flea repellent spray at home and use it in your yard and around the foundation to reduce the flea population and as a natural chigger repellent for dogs and other pets.
Put the water in a pot and bring it to near-boiling Finely chop the garlic, pour the hot water over the garlic cloves, and leave them to soak for 12 hours. Remove the garlic cloves using a strainer.
Once you’ve got your flea spray, generously spray your yard to get rid of unwanted pests. This garlic spray has a strong odor and is best used outside the house where the smell won’t be obtrusive.
A flea infestation on dogs is no fun and quickly leads to a problem in your home and even your car. If you need to treat flea infestation on dogs, try a simple at-home solution using items from the pantry and get rid of flea infestation on a dog fast.

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