There is nothing more disturbing than giving your dog a belly rub and seeing fleas running to hide deep in your pets fur. These nasty tiny insects thrive on cats and dogs, and a flea population quickly gets out of control if left unchecked. Learn how to get rid of fleas inside your home with a few simple steps.
As much as we hate to think about it, fleas are a common problem. These insects survive by feeding on your pet’s blood, and these freeloaders lay four to eight flea eggs after feeding. While the eggs usually fall to the ground, some remain in your dogs coat, turning into flea larvae, flea pupae, and then the adult flea.
As with the bed bug, the flea is a dreaded insect to discover in the house. They are challenging to control, especially if your pet has a flea infestation and it’s an unpleasant experience for both you and your furry friends. However, as tricky as they are to eliminate, it’s possible to kill fleas with the proper flea treatment.

Ways to Kill and Control Fleas Indoors
It’s essential to perform flea control methods as soon as you discover a flea bite on your pet to stop an infestation. Learn how to kill dog and cat fleas and prevent a flea problem by treating the inside of your home.
However, if they’ve already entered your home, learn how to remove fleas from couch upholstery naturally to get your house back in order.
Vacuuming to Get Rid of Fleas in Your House
The first step to get rid of fleas in your house is to prevent the eggs from hatching. You can actually use baking soda to kill fleas on a bed. Female fleas lay around 50 eggs a day – they usually end up on the floors and furniture.
Sprinkle baking soda or salt over the carpeting, use a soft brush to brush the powder or granules into the fibers, and let it sit for a day or two. Either ingredient is effective at dehydrating and killing fleas.
Vacuum the treated areas to remove the salt, baking powder, dead fleas, and eggs, and dispose of the vacuum bag of flea dirt in a plastic trash bag in the outside garbage can.
Kill Fleas at Home with Flea Traps
Another way to kill fleas at home is to set up a flea trap. While there are various traps on the market, it’s easy to make your own with a bit of dish soap and a shallow container.
Pour water into a shallow white dish and add a few squirts of liquid dish soap. Set the bowl of soapy water in the center of each room of your home to catch and kill fleas. Use a white container since this color attracts this insect, and set up the trap in the evening when fleas are active.
How to Get Rid of Fleas Inside with a Home Remedy
Getting rid of fleas indoors is relatively simple if you use the correct techniques to eliminate them. One of our favorite home remedies for killing indoor fleas is to create a DIY flea spray for your home. It will banish these nasty bugs and keep your home smelling fresh.
Slice a lemon thinly and boil it in a pot of water. Remove it from the heat, let it sit overnight, and strain the liquid into a spray bottle. Apply the citrus solution to the affected areas of your home to kill fleas, from the floors to the furniture and pet bed. Only dampen the surfaces without soaking them.
Treating Bedding to Kill Fleas
While treating your pets and cleaning your carpets are important ways to get rid of fleas in your house, these aren’t the only places where fleas hang out. For example, your bedding requires cleaning to destroy immature fleas, larvae, and eggs, especially if your pets sleep with you.
Pour a cup of vinegar into your washing machine and add your favorite laundry detergent. Add the sheets, blankets, or pet bedding and wash the items as usual. Transfer the clean bedding materials to the dryer and dry them using the hottest setting.
Ways to Prevent Fleas in the Home
While it’s possible to kill fleas at home, it’s always easier to prevent the pests in the first place. Here are some flea prevention tips to keep your pets and home flea-free.
There are many flea protection products, including flea collars, flea sprays and powders. These products keep fleas off your pets and prevent your home from a flea infestation. It’s also helpful to wash your pets regularly with a flea shampoo to kill fleas.
If you discover that your fur-faced friend has fleas, treat them immediately to stop fleas from becoming a problem. A flea comb is a handy tool for getting rid of fleas. The comb’s teeth are finely spaced to trap and remove the adult fleas, flea eggs, flea feces, and dirt from your dog or cat’s fur.
To prevent a flea problem inside your home, wash bedding, especially your pet’s bedding, routinely in the washer and dryer. Sweep and vacuum your home often, clean the upholstery and beneath furniture, and always empty the vacuum bag outside.
If you discover that you have a flea problem, it’s vital to use a flea treatment, such as a flea spray or flea bomb with an insect growth regulator, right away to prevent the pests from multiplying.
Keep your pets flea-free for their comfort, health, and disease control. As challenging as it is to kill fleas and keep them out of your house, using the proper treatment and flea prevention steps makes the job easier and more successful.

Now that you know how to get rid of fleas inside so that you and your pets live comfortably, why not share our indoor flea elimination guide with your family and friends on Facebook and Pinterest?