You may not think that spilling a bit of tea is a big deal, but trying to remove them from your clothing, upholstery, or carpeting is difficult. Just think about how hard it is to remove those stubborn stains from your coffee mugs. The good news is that you can learn how to remove tea stains from just about anything with some common household supplies and a little bit of work.
Don’t let the deep brown, or black colored stain scare you; the following methods are guaranteed to eliminate tea stains for good. Removing tea stains is difficult thanks to polymerization, which is where two or more molecules react together, creating one giant molecule.
When it comes to tea and coffee, one of the particles is an organic compound found in the drinks, and the other is oxygen. The longer the stain is allowed to remain, the bigger the stain will get. Here are the best methods for how to get tea stains out.

Remove Tea Stains from Carpet and Upholstery
If you like to cozy up on the couch with a good book and a cup of tea, the chances are high that you will spill on the furniture or carpet, leaving an unattractive stain behind.
Before you run to the store and spend money on a special upholstery cleaner or chemical-laden carpet cleaner, here’s a simple cleaning method using basic ingredients that you probably already have in your home. Based on our simple carpet cleaner recipe for coffee stains:
Combine the dish detergent, vinegar, and water to make this homemade tea and coffee stain remover. Use a clean cloth dipped in the cleaning solution to blot the stain. Use enough water to get the area as wet as necessary to remove the tea stain. Continue to blot the area until all the liquid is absorbed.
Repeat these steps until the stain is lifted. Heavy stains or those that cover a large area will take longer to clean. Once you’ve eliminated the stain, use a new white cloth and cold water to remove any residue leftover from the cleaning solution.
Blot the area dry. You can use a blow dryer to speed drying time.
How to Get Tea Stains Out of Clothes
If you happen to spill your tea on your favorite shirt and pair of pants, it is essential to treat the stain right away. The longer the stain is allowed to sit, the more difficult it may be to remove.
You don’t have to throw away your clothing because of an unsightly tea stain; you can use everyday household ingredients to remove tea stains from clothes.
To get rid of tea stains from cotton fabric, dip a clean cloth in a bowl of vinegar and liberally apply to the stain. Toss the clothing in the wash and launder as usual. Before throwing it in the dryer, place it in a solution of three cups vinegar and one cup water and allow to soak.
Rub the stain gently and rinse in cold water. If this doesn’t eliminate the stain, pour some salt on the area and rub the fabric between your fingers. Rinse thoroughly and wash with your regular homemade laundry soap recipe and allow it to dry in the sun.
How to Get Tea Stains Out of PorcelainMugs
Baking soda is known to be a handy, multi-functioning cleaning product. It’s mildly abrasive properties can efficiently tackle stains without damaging the materials. To remove tea stains from porcelain cups using baking soda, wet the inside of the mug with cold water.
Sprinkle a small layer of baking soda on the inside of the cup so that it completely covers the stain. Allow the baking soda to sit for half an hour and then wipe the stain with a sponge or cloth. Follow up by washing with your usual dishwashing detergent.
How to Remove Tea Stains from Plastic Cups
Over time tea can leave unsightly brown stains on your favorite plastic cups. Dish soap and warm water aren’t enough to eliminate this tough stain and using steel wool can leave deep scratches in the cup.
While bleach can be useful in getting rid of the stain, it can cause the color of the container to fade and degrade the cup. Baking soda is the best way for how to remove tea stains from cups.
Dampen a cleaning rag with warm water and sprinkle two tablespoons baking soda on the cloth. Using the rag, wash the cup, paying close attention to the areas that are stained. Rinse thoroughly and wipe dry.
If the stains remain, fill the container with a cup of hot water and add two tablespoons baking soda. Allow the solution to stand for 30 minutes. Rinse clean and wipe dry when the stains have disappeared.
While tea can be delicious to drink it can be an absolute pain to remove the stains it forms when it’s been spilled on your favorite clothing or furniture.
With these simple methods for removing tea stains, you can continue to enjoy this refreshing beverage. With simple everyday ingredients, you can quickly tackle tea stains and eliminate them from any surface.

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