Puppies are so cute, cuddly, and fun that they’re hard to resist. However, ask dog owners, and they’ll tell you that they’re also a lot
Awesome Tricks for Dog and Pet Pee and Urine Cleaning

As much as we love our dogs, there are times when they can be frustrating, and those times include dealing with accidental pee stains and urine odor. While it’s understandable for a puppy to make a pet stain on the floor, cleaning up the urine gets tiresome. Since you don’t want to make dog and pet pee and urine cleaning any more complicated than it needs to be, explore a range of stain and urine smell removal tips.
Once you determine that the dog urine problem is not due to boredom or a medical issue, it’s time to start performing dog and pet pee and urine cleaning. Learn which pet urine removal treatment is best for the job, whether it’s a carpet, sofa, or mattress dog pee stain. Discover the importance of carpet cleaning to prevent future pet urine stains and how to make a homemade enzyme carpet cleaner to remove a urine stain using hydrogen peroxide and white vinegar. Learn how to quickly prepare a DIY odor remover with baking soda to eliminate pet urine odor.
How to Clean Urine from a Couch
No matter how we may try to prevent it, accidents of the potty training variety tend to happen, especially in households with young children and
Best Carpet Cleaner for Old Pet Urine
If you own a pet, you know that accidents happen. Even the most well-trained pets can create a mess from time to time. Cleaning up
What is the Best Way to Remove Dog Urine from Carpet and Floors?
I moved into my sister’s home to help her. She’s not been able to clean her carpet for a long time and it really smells
What’s the Best Way to Clean Dog Urine from Carpet?
Last week I adopted this adorable pitbull puppy and I just love him to death! There’s just one problem. He keeps peeing on the carpet.