The two varieties of tomatillos are Physalis ixocarpa and Physalis philadelphica. These members of the nightshade family are native to Mexico and Central America, and
How to Grow Tomatillos from Seed
Tomatillos have a distinctively tangy flavor and are a commonplace ingredient in Mexican cooking. They’re incredibly straightforward to cultivate as long as you provide the
How to Grow Tomatillos in a Container
What are tomatillos and what do tomatillo plants look like? Though tomatillos look like unripe green tomatoes, these plants are unique fruits that most people
Tomatillo vs Tomato
Have you ever wondered about those odd-looking veggies at the market that look like small green tomatoes wrapped in a papery husk? These are tomatillos
How to Plant Tomatillos
If you enjoy cooking Mexican cuisine, it’s a great idea to start growing your own tomatillos in the garden to save you money and time
What is a Tomatillo
Even though they look eerily similar to green tomatoes, tomatillos are a tart gift from Mexico and Central America. What is a tomatillo? What are
How to Grow Tomatillos
Mexico has given the world a tart gift by cultivating the tomatillo fruit. Tomatillo plants create green fruits that many of us use in Mexican