A natural ant killer Borax is a combination of sodium salts and boric acid. You may hear Borax called sodium tetraborate as well. It’s a popular and organic option for insect and ant problems around the home, and it works better than chemicals.
Expensive ant control measures often cost more than using a homemade Borax ant bait recipe. Plus, an exterminator doesn’t always remove the entire colony. That’s where powerful Borax comes in. The ants don’t die from Borax immediately. They take the powder back to the nest, infecting them all.
It’s useful for getting rid of ant infestations fast. Other pest control options, like Terro ant killer products, cost much more than Borax. They don’t get rid of ants entirely, either. Our homemade Borax ant killer mixture saves you tons of money over time. Unlike chemical bug killers, these homemade ant killers kill off the entire ant colony rather than only get rid of ants that you see.

Best Homemade Borax Ant Bait Recipe
Ants are little, but the problems they create around your home are not. Ant infestations become expensive quickly, and pesticides from the hardware store are not a long-term solution.
Homemade, do-it-yourself ant bait recipes are much more effective. Read on to explore how to make homemade Borax ant killer. These are our favorite recipes for getting rid of ants in your home.
It’s also possible to make sticky DIY ant traps to lure ants and kill them without making a big mess. There are just as many recipes to make a homemade ant trap without Borax just as there are with the product. If you want to use Borax to eliminate your ant problem, read on.
Using Homemade Natural Ant Killer Borax and Sugar for Ant Hills
Borax successfully kills odorous ants around your home. Use this recipe to kill sugar ants by pouring the boiling water mixture directly onto ant hills in your yard.
Heat the water in a pan on your stove, bringing it to a boil. Place Borax and sugar in boiling water, and stir the mixture to combine them well. Pour the solution onto an ant hill immediately.
Getting Rid of Ants with Borax Cotton Balls
Place a cotton ball or spray the sugar water anywhere you see ants to use this ant killer recipe. Add them near doors, along window sills, where you see ant trails, and even on top of ant hills outside.
Start by boiling water. Add the Borax and cup of sugar to the hot water, and reduce heat on your stovetop to a simmer. Stir the mixture until the powder dissolves all the way and turn off the heat. Soak cotton balls in the solution, storing them in a plastic container.
Place the sugar water in a spray bottle to make a Borax spray for ants as well. The spray kills ants on contact, while the cotton balls help put up a barrier to protect against their return.
Making Ant Bait with Borax
Some types of ants are attracted to sweets, which are why they’re common in kitchens. If this is your problem, make ant bait using sugar and Borax for the ant infestation.
Making this Borax ant trap is simple. In a bowl, mix one-part Borax with three parts powdered sugar. Set the powder in tiny containers or old bottle caps, placing them in the ants’ path.
The ants come for the sugar and take the food back to their ant hills, spreading the poisonous Borax to the rest of the colony, eventually killing them all. Store unused ant bait in a labeled and sealed container. Borax is toxic to humans and pets.
Using Peanut Butter to Trap Fire Ants
One of the best fire ant home remedies is to use peanut butter. A paste of peanut butter and Borax is ideal for fire ants that search for protein-rich food sources. However, it may not attract other types of ants.
DIY Peanut Butter Fire Ant Trap
Mix one part Borax with one part peanut butter and a little water, forming a paste. Place the paste in bottle caps to bait ants. Compared to other ant traps, this option doesn’t require refreshing as often as other homemade bait stations, like traps with honey.
Sprinkling Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth to Kill Carpenter Ants
Diatomaceous earth is organic and natural. It comes from the skeletons of plants like algae, and DE is easily made into a spray or injected into a nest to kill the entire colony.
Use food grade diatomaceous earth for killing ants, which is a popular home remedy for pests. Make a spray by combining diatomaceous earth with warm water in a spray bottle or pour the mixture directly onto ant hills in your yard.
What Type of Ants Does a Borax Ant Killer Recipe Reduce?
Borax effectively kills many insect infestations and includes almost any type of ants.
Why is Homemade Borax Ant Killer Effective?
In comparison to using retail ant killer products like Terro, home remedies using Borax kill ants for a tiny piece of the price you pay for store-bought ant killer. It’s easy to do and you don’t have to worry about excess harmful chemicals.
Many home goods such as honey, peanut butter, and sugar function as the base, but the mix must include a small amount of Borax to kill ants.
Borax also kills other household pests, like cockroaches. While there are many home remedies for cockroaches, Borax is much more affordable. It doesn’t kill insects immediately. Pests like roaches and ants walk in Borax and track it home, where it later kills the entire colony.
Borax works to kill ants by interfering with the digestive system. It causes dehydration, prevents digestion, and later causes death. After the powder coats the exoskeleton, the Borax gradually cracks the insect’s shell.
However, Borax is poisonous to humans and pets, too. It has low toxicity in small amounts, making it mostly safe for people. That said, always wear gloves and use caution when making a homemade Borax ant killer recipe.
Run out of Borax at home? Use baking soda instead. Baking soda works the same way as Borax and produces similar results. The low toxicity is ideal for many people, though.
Another alternative is to use boric acid, which is a compound that makes up Borax. Boric acid performs the same way when it comes to insects, allowing you to take out the rest of the colony each time a single ant finds your trap.
Recipe for Homemade Borax Ant Killer

Homemade Borax Ant Killer
An easy way to eliminate an ant problem.
- 8 ounces white sugar
- 6 ounces water
- 8 ounces Borax
- Saucepan
- Spoon
- Measuring cup
- 16-ounce sprayer bottle
- Add the water to the pan and bring to a boil.
- Mix in the sugar and Borax and reduce heat to low.
- Stir until completely dissolved.
- Let the mixture cool and pour it into the spray bottle.
- Spritz doorways, windows, cracks, under the sink, and anywhere else ants may lurk.
Spray ants to kill them on contact.
Keep away from pets and children.

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