While candles used to be a necessity before the invention of electricity, they are now a way to bring ambiance to a room while filling the air with heavenly aromas. There is bound to be a time when the candle wax is spilled accidentally onto the wall or other surfaces. We’ll show you how to remove wax from a wall by following a few simple steps.
You’ve lit your favorite candle in the living room, and somehow the table it rests upon gets bumped. Luckily, the flame went out. Unfortunately, there are wax splatters on the wall.
With the right knowledge, it is possible to remove a wax spill from the wall. Whether you need to get wax out of a carpet or candle wax off a wall, we’ve got it covered.

Remove Wax Marks on a Wall
There are a few things you need to know when it comes to candles. First, always be sure to place a candle in a proper candle holder. Second, make sure that the candle or wax melts have completely cooled before moving.
If you do have a mishap with melted wax, there are several techniques that you can use for removing wax off a wall. The same methods used to get rid of wax on walls also work for what takes crayon off walls. A little patience and a few supplies are all you need to get the job done.
It’s essential to take care of cleaning walls before painting or adding wallpaper, as you want the surface to be free of anything that might prevent new coatings from adhering.
Removing Candle Wax from Walls
Heat is one of the best options for removing candle wax from walls, considering that it was the heat that put it there in the first place. The following steps guide you through the process of removing wax off painted walls.
Put the hair blow dryer on medium heat and aim it at the dried wax. Move the dryer around until the wax begins to melt. Use a dry cloth to remove the wax as it melts.
Once you remove the wax, make a homemade solution by mixing one part vinegar and three parts water into a small bowl. Use a clean cloth and cleaning solution to clean the wall of leftover residue. Doing this should remove the remaining wax residue without damaging a painted wall.
Vinegar is an excellent cleaner to wash walls, no matter what you are trying to clean. It works effectively on dirt, fingerprints, and all kinds of other stains. Remove Sharpie from a wall or get rid of grease stains. The possibilities for vinegar use in cleaning are almost endless.
The Quickest Way to Clean Wax Off a Wall
The quickest way to clean wax off a wall is with hot water and patience. This method can also be used for removing wax off linoleum counter tops and other hard surfaces or for cleaning dirt off walls, too.
To remove wax from your wall, use a butter knife to gently scrape as much wax away from the wall as possible. Continue scraping the wax until you are nearly at the wall surface. Get a cloth wet with the hottest water that you can stand.
Wear gloves to protect your hands from the heat. Rub the cloth onto the wax stain until it is gone and finish by cleaning the area with a mild soap and water solution. Dry the area with a clean cloth.
How to Remove Wax Off a Textured Wall
Textured walls are a nice touch to any room in the home. While they may look nice, they tend to trap dust and dirt more readily than other walls. If you have spilled wax onto a textured wall, you may need to use a different method than would be used for a flat wall.
After the wax has completely cooled, place a paper bag over the wax spot. Use the hair dryer to apply heat to the paper bag. Slowly increase the heat level of the dryer to melt the wax off the wall and onto the bag. Repeat with a fresh paper bag if necessary.
Make a cleaning solution with the water and baking soda. Use a clean cloth to wash the wall area with the cleaning solution, removing any leftover residue. Wipe the wall with fresh water and use a towel to dry the wall.
How to Get Wax Off a Wood Wall
Removing excess wax from hard surfaces such as wood is not as difficult as it may initially seem. All you need is some items you have in your home and a little patience.
Unlike the other methods that require heat to remove wax, this one uses the power of cold. You can also try this method to get wax out of carpet.
Start by holding an ice pack or ice cube on the wax to harden it. Use an expired credit card or the edge of a plastic ruler to gently scrape the wax off the wood surface or to remove wax from fabric.
Remove any residue by cleaning the wood area with cream furniture wax. Wash clothing in the washing machine according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
How to Remove Wax from a Wall Using an Iron
The following method utilizes the heat from a hot iron, but instead of ironing your clothes, you’ll be removing wax stains. Use this strategy for removing wax from a tablecloth and upholstery, too.
Start by scraping as much of the wax off the wall as possible using a scraper. Make sure that you use gentle force while scraping. Place several paper towels over the remaining wax stain and set a hot iron over the paper for a couple of seconds.
Lift the stained paper away from the wall and repeat with fresh paper towels if needed. Apply a little rubbing alcohol to some paper towels to clean off any leftover wax residue.
If you have other types of stains on a wall, it’s always a good idea to vacuum or sweep the wall surface before applying a cleaner. Removing excess debris before cleaning soot off walls helps to attack the origin of the stains directly.
Spilling wax onto the wall or any surface can leave you with a feeling of dread. While getting wax off of a wall is no more enjoyable than trying to erase Sharpie marks from a wall, it can be done using the right techniques. With a little heat, a scraper, and some patience, you’ll have that spilled wax cleaned off the wall in no time.

We’ve shown you how to remove wax from a wall by following a few simple steps, and we’d love it if you share our candle wax removal tips with your friends and family on Facebook and Pinterest.