A brand new pair of soccer cleats looks flawless and gives you the feeling that you’re ready to take on the world – or at least the field. However, it’s not long until they are covered in dirt and caked with mud and grass. Find out how to clean soccer cleats using simple solutions and a little elbow grease to return them to their original glory.
It’s easy to get caught up during practice and not realize just how much soil and grime your cleats pick up. It’s nearly impossible not to get mud or clumps of grass on your cleats while playing on a grassy field, and a well-maintained soccer shoe ensures that you get the most out of your game.
Regularly cleaning your sports shoes with the right cleaning solution and deep cleaning as necessary keeps them in good condition to help you play your best. While cleaning soccer cleats may seem daunting and is definitely not a fun chore, there are ways to make the job easier so you can spend more time playing.

- Ways to Clean and Maintain Soccer Cleats
- Cleaning Cleats after a Practice or Game
- Dry Cleaning Cleats to Remove Everyday Dirt
- How to Clean Football Cleats with Soapy Water
- How to Clean White Cleats with a Cleaning Eraser Sponge
- How to Clean Soccer Cleats to Remove Mud
- Cleaning White Cleats with Baking Soda
- Cleaning Leather Soccer Cleats
- How to Clean the Tops of Soccer Cleats
- How to Clean the Soles of Soccer Cleats
- Getting Scuff Marks Off Soccer Cleats
- Freshening Soccer Cleats between Games
- How to Deodorize Smelly Soccer Cleats
- Ways to Dry Cleats After Cleaning
- Things to Avoid When Cleaning Cleats
- How to Care for Soccer Cleats
Ways to Clean and Maintain Soccer Cleats
Filthy cleats not only look unsightly, but the excess dirt may affect your gameplay. Learn ways to clean dirt and grass from your cleats between games and deep clean your shoes to keep them in tip-top shape.
Additionally, discover how to remove scuff marks, freshen stinky shoes, and maintain your cleats for more extended playtime.
Cleaning Cleats after a Practice or Game
While it’s typical for your soccer bag to hold your soccer or football cleats, shin guards, and other soccer gear, it should also contain a few items for quick cleaning after a practice or game. Keep some cleaning tools in your bag for quick and convenient cleaning.
When packing your soccer bag, consider adding some tools to clean cleats after practice. A popsicle stick or a putty knife works great for removing caked-on mud. An old toothbrush removes dry dirt, and a towel is handy for wiping away bits of grass and other debris between games.
Finally, include a plastic bag for transporting your sports shoes home without getting the inside of your soccer bag dirty.
Dry Cleaning Cleats to Remove Everyday Dirt
Regularly cleaning football cleats to remove debris makes deep cleaning them later easier. Clean a football boot or soccer cleat to remove everyday dirt.
Each time you’re done on the field, use a popsicle stick to remove chunks of soil from the bottom of your cleats, and then brush the remaining dirt. Wipe down the entire outside of each shoe with a towel to remove dampness and mud. Clap your shoes together before storing them in your soccer bag.
How to Clean Football Cleats with Soapy Water
While cleaning bits of grass and dirt off your cleats or synthetic boots after each use is great, it’s essential to upkeep them and give them a thorough cleaning from time to time to maintain their appearance. Here is how to clean football cleats with soapy water and a soft brush.
Pour some cool water into a container and squeeze a couple of squirts of dish soap into the water. Use a soft brush to clean the cleats with soapy water, and wipe the shoe surface clean with a towel. Do not submerge the shoes in water since this may lead to cracking, and avoid using hot water.
How to Clean White Cleats with a Cleaning Eraser Sponge
Sports shoes and cleats are notorious for getting stained, and grass stains are even more noticeable on white shoes. Find out how to clean white cleats with a cleaning eraser sponge to remove stubborn stains.
Dampen a Magic Eraser with water and wring it out. Set your cleats on a towel on a flat surface and rub the eraser over the stained area of your shoes. Use a circular motion to get them clean, and try to avoid spreading dirt to clean areas of the shoes as you work.
This remedy is also ideal for cleaning white tennis shoes made of leather. Give your shoes a swipe with a clean cloth afterward for a smooth finish.
How to Clean Soccer Cleats to Remove Mud
It’s nearly impossible to stop your cleats from getting muddy, especially if your game follows a rainstorm and you’re an aggressive player. Learn how to clean muddy cleats quickly and effectively to ensure they’re ready for your next practice.
Flip your cleats over and use a putty knife to remove chunks of mud from the bottom of each shoe. After you remove the caked-on dirt, scrub around the bottoms of the cleats with an old toothbrush until you remove as much of the grime as possible. Finish by wiping down the shoes with a damp cloth, followed by a dry towel.
Cleaning White Cleats with Baking Soda
Baking soda is a mildly abrasive powder that works wonders for removing stains. It’s beneficial for cleaning white footwear, and you probably have a box sitting in your kitchen right now. Learn how to clean white cleats and get dark spots out of leather with a little bit of baking soda and water.
To make a simple DIY shoe cleaner, pour some water into a container and shake in just enough baking soda to form a paste. Apply the cleaning paste to the dirty areas of your cleats with a soft brush and clean them in a circular motion. Get a towel damp with water, wipe the residue off each shoe, and dry them both with a clean towel.
Cleaning Leather Soccer Cleats
Soccer cleats are made of varying fabrics, including leather, mesh, and synthetic materials, and leather cleats require special methods to clean them safely. Discover how to clean football cleats made of leather with simple solutions.
Remove excess dirt from your leather shoe with a soft cloth. Apply a small bit of leather cream to a clean cloth and rub it in circles on the leather surface until the shoe is fully coated. Set your shoes in a safe area away from direct sunlight to dry for 24-hours.
How to Clean the Tops of Soccer Cleats
A cleated shoe has many parts, from the upper section and collar to the soleplate and studs. The top area of your shoe has many nooks and crannies. Clean the tops of your cleats or take care of washing golf shoes with a toothbrush and a bit of soap.
Pour water and a small amount of mild detergent into a bowl. Remove the shoelaces from your cleats and soak them in the soapy solution for ten minutes. Rinse the laces under clean water, wring out the excess water, and lay them on a flat surface to dry.
Dunk the toothbrush in the soapy water and scrub the tops of your cleats by starting in the middle area near the laces. Dunk the brush in the cleaning solution as necessary and work your way down the sides of your shoes and then the tongue. Once all parts of the shoe are clean, wipe it down with a dry towel.
How to Clean the Soles of Soccer Cleats
The soles of your cleats are the area that collects most of the dirt and mud, which is the most challenging to clean. Dry and wet clean the sole of each shoe to keep them performing their best.
Start by wiping dry mud from the bottom of your shoes with a paper towel. Wipe away as much of the loose dirt as possible, and prepare a cleaning solution by mixing some water with a tiny bit of liquid dish soap.
Dip a soft brush into the liquid and clean the bottom of your shoes by starting at one end and working your way downward. Rinse the brush and apply more cleaner as necessary until the cleat bottoms are clean.
Getting Scuff Marks Off Soccer Cleats
Shoe scuff marks are quite common, and even more so on sports boots or cleats. These marks occur when an object rubs against the material of your shoe, leaving a discolored spot on the surface, and they are easy to clean with a few simple strategies.
Dampen a towel with water and rub it over the scuff mark until the stain is gone. If the scuff remains, apply a small amount of non-gel toothpaste to a soft-bristled toothbrush and gently scrub the spot with a circular motion.
Freshening Soccer Cleats between Games
Smelly sports shoes are nearly inevitable since you actively wear them with sweaty feet. Fortunately, there are easy ways to freshen your cleats when they are not used to prevent them from stinking up your sports bag.
There are a couple of ways to get a foul odor out of cleats. The first is to insert a fabric softener dryer sheet inside each shoe when you’re not wearing them.
If your shoes are extra stinky, the second way to deodorize them is to shake a decent amount of baking soda inside each cleat and let them sit overnight. Don’t forget to shake out the excess powder before you wear them for the next game.
How to Deodorize Smelly Soccer Cleats
Your feet sweat while playing soccer, which causes moisture and bacteria to grow inside your shoes. Over time, this odor-causing bacteria leave your footwear smelling less than desirable, and it’s essential to deodorize them to keep them fresh.
Mix the water and vinegar in a bottle and shake the container to mix. Label it for regular use and spray the deodorizer inside each cleat as needed. Allow the cleats to dry completely before wearing them.
Ways to Dry Cleats After Cleaning
After wet cleaning your cleats, take the proper steps to dry them to prevent mildew growth and ensure they hold their shape. Here are several shoe-drying tips to help you dry your cleats quickly and safely.
The best way to dry soccer cleats is to let them air dry. Set them on a shoe rack in a room with plenty of air circulation after each use. Like the fast way to dry boots, stuff the insides with newspapers to speed the process. Never set your cleats in the sun to dry since this causes leather to crack and shortens your shoe’s lifespan.
Things to Avoid When Cleaning Cleats
Cleaning cleats is reasonably straightforward, especially if you’re just brushing off dry dirt. However, there are many things to avoid when cleaning your soccer cleats to ensure they do not suffer damage during the process.
Safe Cleat Cleaning
Clean your shoes with cool or warm water and avoid using hot water, which may damage the material.
A little soapy water is usually all you need to get your shoes clean, so use a small amount of mild soap instead of a strong cleaner, and do not clean soccer cleats in the washing machine. Always let your cleats air dry and keep them out of direct sunlight to prevent cracking.
How to Care for Soccer Cleats
It’s not fun playing soccer while wearing cleats that do not fit correctly, whether they are too tight or too loose. The best way to widen leather soccer cleats if they become a little too small is to use a shoe tree. It’s crucial to care for your sports shoes properly to ensure they always have the right fit and stand the test of time.
Soccer Cleats Care
Avoid wearing your cleats before you get on the field since hard surfaces cause unnecessary wear and tear on your shoes. Never pack your filthy cleats in your soccer bag when they are wet. Instead, remove as much of the mud as possible and store them in a large plastic bag, and finish washing them as soon as you get home.
Keep your cleats on a shoe rack when not in use rather than the soccer bag to help the shoes keep their shape.
It’s essential to maintain your sportswear and equipment to get the most out of your game, and your soccer or football cleats are no different. While cleaning leather boots seems intimidating, it’s easier than you think if you use the proper cleaners for the job.

We hope learning how to clean soccer cleats keeps your shoes and your gameplay in top-notch shape, and we’d love it if you’d share our soccer cleat cleaning guide and tips with the soccer players in your life on Pinterest and Facebook.