There’s nothing better than settling into a pillow top mattress at the end of a hard day – until you have a sweat stain, blood stain, pet urine, or another stubborn stain. Learning how to clean urine from a mattress with a pillow top is essential to remove the stain and odors effectively.
Memory foam makes the best mattress as it curves along your body shape and gives you a good night’s sleep. However, memory foam mattresses are trickier to clean than standard mattresses, especially with urine or blood stains.
The good news is that mattress cleaning doesn’t have to be a chore. While pee stain removal requires a bit of time and patience, you can follow our simple ways to get pee smell out of a mattress. Before you know it, you’ll have your favorite mattress back, clean and fresh, in no time.

Ways to Clean Urine Out of a Pillow Top Mattress
Unlike rug stains which are easy to clean by steam cleaning or with a carpet cleaner, foam bedding requires special treatment. No one wants to sleep on a stained bed, especially with a urine smell. Fortunately, there are several ways of cleaning a mattress after bed wetting using everything from vinegar and hydrogen peroxide to baking soda.
Getting Pee Out of a Pillow Top Mattress
It’s essential to take preparation steps before you start to remove yellow stains from a mattress with a cleaner. Prepare for urine stain removal to ensure you get the best result.
To remove urine from a mattress with a pillow top, take the bedding off your bed, and clean it in the washing machine right away to prevent the pee stains from setting. Use paper towels or a clean towel to blot the stain. Absorb as much urine as possible by dabbing rather than scrubbing, which may press the pee further down into the foam.
How to Get Pee Out of a Pillow Top Mattress
Discover how to get pee out of a pillow top mattress or the ideal way of cleaning vomit from mattress and topper with a vinegar solution. White vinegar breaks down urine enzymes, making it easier to remove the stain. It’s safe for use on a mattress, and you probably have a bottle in your kitchen.
When you follow this way to get yellow stains out of pillows and a mattress, pour the cold water, distilled white vinegar, and laundry soap into a spray bottle. Shake the container gently and spray the stain liberally to soak it, whether you need to get dog pee smell out of any mattress quickly or have a human urine stain. Let it sit for ten to 15 minutes, blot all the moisture out of the mattress with a clean cloth, and allow it to air dry before remaking the bed.
How to Clean Urine From a Mattress With a Pillow Top
Hydrogen peroxide is another product that is useful for removing pee from a foam mattress. Its mild bleaching action and disinfecting power help remove the pee stain and urine odor. Use peroxide to clean pee from a mattress with a pillow top.
It’s fast and easy to mix your own mattress cleaning spray. Combine five parts hydrogen peroxide with one part baking soda in a spray bottle and add a dash of dish soap. Close the container, shake it gently, and spray the urine stain or deep clean mattress protector stains. Let it sit until it dries, and use a vacuum hose attachment to suck up the cleaner residue.
Remove Urine Odor From a Pillow Top Mattress
Sodium bicarbonate or baking soda is an alkaline powder with exceptional odor-absorbing abilities. It’s cheap and natural for use throughout the home, including your memory foam mattress. Here is how to get pee out of a pillow top mattress by applying baking soda.
Baking soda is an option if you notice the stain still smells bad after cleaning urine from a pillow top mattress with a cleaner. Shake the powder over the stained surface and let it sit for several hours. Vacuum the smelly baking soda with a hose attachment.
Tips for Preventing Pee Stains on a Pillow Top Mattress
Getting pee out of a pillow top mattress is time-consuming; it’s better to spend time sleeping in the bed than cleaning it. Discover some helpful tips to keep your mattress safe from urine stains.
If you allow your pets on the mattress, consider covering the section of bed they lay on most with a separate blanket – if they have an accident or bring dirt on the bed, you only have to wash one item rather than the entire mattress.
Consider covering your mattress with a mattress cover or pad to keep liquids from seeping into the bed, or encase it in a waterproof mattress protector for optimal coverage. If you don’t have a cover, learn the best way to dry the mattress fast after cleaning a stain.
While we all enjoy uninterrupted slumber, it’s better to remove the bedding, blot up the pee, and treat it with a cleaner as soon as you notice it. Don’t wait until morning to clean mattress stains from urine since the longer you wait, the worse it becomes. Follow up with a deep clean the next day.
The only thing worse than dealing with bed bugs and dust mites in the bed is a fresh pee stain. Luckily, vinegar, baking soda, and hydrogen peroxide remove these stubborn stains. A mattress pad and mattress cover or protector keeps the foam mattress safe from future accidents.

We hope that discovering how to clean urine from a mattress with a pillow top keeps your bedding smelling fresh, and we’d love it if you’d share our tips for removing urine stains and odor from a foam mattress with your family and friend circle on Pinterest and Facebook.