There are numerous ways to use lemons, from zesting over a fish taco to homemade lemonade. Unfortunately, freshly squeezed juice does not last very long if you store it improperly. We’ll show you how to store lemon juice in the fridge, freezer, and pantry to have it on hand whenever a recipe calls for it.
Lemons are rich in vitamin C and soluble fiber, and there are many health benefits to including them in your diet.
Lemon zest adds zing to sweet and savory dishes, lemon juice enhances seafood and a variety of recipes, and lemon pith is an excellent additive to smoothies. But, did you know that there are other uses for lemons than flavoring food?
This citrus liquid keeps food fresh better than other preservatives, and the acidity even removes adhesives and challenging stains. It’s no wonder that learning how to store this citrus juice is a great idea.

Ways to Prepare and Store Lemons
Having fresh lemons on hand is the way to go, whether you have your own lemon tree or purchase organic lemons from your local market. How long do lemons last? Unfortunately, they only last so long so you need to know how to store lemons to keep them tasty.
The best way to freeze lemons is to cut them first. For the juice, we’ll show you how to store and preserve lemon juice for the short and long term.
Preparing and Storing Lemon Juice
There are a few ways to store citrus juice, and how you decide to store it depends on how long you want to keep it fresh. Here is how to prepare whole lemons for juice storage and how long they last.
Avoid keeping your lemons at room temperature on the countertop or wrapping them in plastic wrap. Instead, store whole lemons in the fridge in a glass jar or large glass of water. The cold water keeps them fresh for a couple of days.
The first step in storing lemon juice is to extract the juice from the lemons. There are a couple of ways to do this, and the easiest is with a juicer. Slice the lemons in half and squeeze out the juice with either a handheld juicer or electric juicer.
Another juicing method is to cut the lemons in four and place them, rinds and all, into a stand mixer. Use a paddle attachment to blend the lemons for about two minutes and strain the juice from the pulp and lemon peel.
Extracting juice with this technique gives you natural oils from the skins for extra flavor. How long does lemon juice last? Store-bought juice contains preservatives and lasts fairly long in the refrigerator, but freshly squeezed juice only lasts a few days.
Can lemon water go bad? If not used right away, yes, lemon water can spoil. Keep it in the fridge until you are ready to drink it.
However, freezing is an excellent alternative, and the juice lasts up to four months. Canning is another great way to preserve-lemon juice, and it lasts up to two years.
Best Way to Store Lemon Juice
The best way to store lemon juice or for preserving lemons short term is to refrigerate them. The fridge’s cold temperatures prevent the juice from spoiling too soon and keeps it handy for everyday use. Here is a simple way to store lemon juice in the fridge.
Pour the freshly squeezed lemon juice into an opaque, plastic container. Do not keep it in glass or clear jars to prevent the light from breaking down the liquid. Store fresh lemon juice in the refrigerator if you plan on using it within a couple of days.
How to Store Lemon Juice in the Freezer
Where to store lemon juice long term? The freezer is a great place to keep lemon juice for longer shelf life. This method takes little to no time to prepare, and frozen juice cubes are delicious tossed into smoothies or thawed for your favorite recipe.
Fill all of the cubes of an ice cube tray with the freshly squeezed juice. Place the tray into the freezer overnight to freeze lemon juice solid.
Take the frozen cubes from the tray and place them into a freezer bag. Set the plastic bag in an easily accessible area of the freezer and use them as needed.
Canning Lemon Juice for the Pantry
The pantry probably doesn’t come to mind when thinking about lemon juice storage. However, it’s relatively easy to can jars of lemon or lime juice and perfect for storing lemon juice for the most extended shelf life.
Pour the juice into a medium pot, boil it for five minutes and transfer the liquid into the canning jars.
Seal the jars with lids and place them into the water bath canner’s boiling water for 15 minutes of processing. Turn the heat off, let the water stop boiling, and remove the jars from the hot water for cooling.
Ways to Use Stored Lemon Juice
Now that you know the best way to store lemon juice and your fridge, freezer, and pantry are fully stocked, what are the different ways to use all of that juice? There are many applications for lemon juice, and some of them may surprise you.
Drizzle Meyer lemon juice over fish, shrimp, and other seafood, use the juice to make lemonade or a homemade sour mix or make sherbet and popsicles. Lemons are also handy for cleaning and deodorizing.
Make a refreshing body scrub, whiten your tennis shoes, remove ink from clothes, or naturally lighten your hair. Use canned lemon juice the same way that you use fresh juice. Store it in the refrigerator after opening and use it within a couple of days.
Add lemon cubes to a tall glass of lemonade, since regular ice cubes tend to dilute the sweet flavor, and toss them into your morning water to give your immune system a boost. Put several cubes of frozen lemon juice into your favorite fruit smoothie to give it a zesty taste.
What’s not to love about lemons? Not only are they healthy, but all parts of the fruit are edible, and they are so versatile when it comes to recipes. Luckily, there are several ways to store lemon juice for now and later.

We hope that you enjoyed reading how to store lemon juice to enjoy its many benefits throughout the year, and we’d love it if you’d share our lemon juice storage methods and tips with your circle of family and friends on Facebook and Pinterest.