If you can grow a lemon tree, it’s important to know about canning lemons. Learning how to can lemons is one of the few ways
Incredible Tips for Storing Lemons

There is something about the tart taste of lemons that is hard to resist. These unique fruits are so versatile that they do everything from flavor water, desserts, and seafood to deodorize the garbage disposal and remove stains. They are also high in vitamin C, plant compounds, and soluble fiber and support heart health. As wonderful as they are, they have a relatively short shelf life and require proper storage to stay fresh. Discover ways to store this citrus fruit short and long-term and how to tell a good lemon from a bad lemon.
Lemons are great for making a sweet and tangy beverage, but how long does lemon juice last in the refrigerator, and is it safe to freeze? Find out how to keep a whole lemon and the zest, peel, slices, and juice in the fridge for everyday use and the freezer to save for later, and how long they last while storing them. Browse information for preserving lemons in salt and ways to make dried lemons. Explore a range of recipes to help you use these fruits by making everything from lemon curd and pickled rind to relish and marmalade.
How Long are Lemons Good for
There are so many reasons to have fresh lemons in your kitchen. Use them to make homemade lemonade, lemon bars, or pound cake, and lemon
How to Preserve Lemon Juice
Lemons are found in kitchens and cuisines all over the world because their citrusy acid pairs well with both sweet and savory meals. Whether you’re
How to Keep Lemons Fresh
Lemons are a multi-purpose fruit that is commonly found at your local grocery store or farmer’s market. The acidic fruit has a wide array of
How to Freeze Lemon Juice
If you have a lemon tree in your backyard or have excess lemons you do not know what to do with, learning how to freeze
How Long does Lemon Juice Last
Lemon juice is a familiar ingredient in many recipes. Still, you typically only use small amounts at a time. In this article, we’ll answer the
How to Preserve Lemons
If you’ve been blessed with living in a location where you can grow your lemons at home, then you understand the need for finding ways
How to Store Lemons
Have you ever reached into the crisper drawer of your fridge for a lemon to find a soft and shriveled fruit that barely resembles its
How to Store Lemon Juice
There are numerous ways to use lemons, from zesting over a fish taco to homemade lemonade. Unfortunately, freshly squeezed juice does not last very long
How to Freeze Lemons
Citrus fruit has a fantastic ability to transform the flavor of foods with only a little of their juice or rind. Although they often make
Does Lemon Juice go Bad
If you love cooking at home, you probably already know of the magic of lemon juice. The citric acid in the liquid is often the