It’s important to act fast at the first sign of bed bugs. One of the best ways to prevent an infestation is to use natural methods of pest control. We’ll show you how to use lavender oil for bed bugs to kill them and keep them out of your living space.
The last thing anyone wants is a bed bug problem. These little critters hide in your bedding and the crevices of your mattress and leave bed bug bites on your body while you sleep.
While there are various pesticides on the market, natural solutions are an excellent way to keep toxins out of the home. We all know that essential oils play a vital role in our personal state of well being. Their fragrances can both calm and energize us.
But, they also have another benefit. Insects hate them. What better way to get a good night’s sleep than to keep bed bugs away with the relaxing scent of this aromatic herb?

Using Lavender Oil to Kill and Repel Bed Bugs
There are a variety of ways to get rid of not only bed bugs but other insects. You can use DE for bed bugs or items with a specific fragrance.
You also want to be sure what insects you are treating. Detecting bed bugs is easy. They leave behind blood spots on your sheets and fecal matter. The bugs hide in mattress crevices. You may also wake with red spots on your body where the bugs feasted overnight.
Many creepy-crawlies cannot stand the smell of certain herbs and oils such as lemongrass, eucalyptus oil, tea tree oil, peppermint oil, and lavender. We have several natural remedies using lavender oil to stop a bed bug infestation in your home.
Sometimes a mixture of these oils is appropriate. You can use tea tree oil for bed bugs in combination with peppermint or lavender.
Does Lavender Repel Bed Bugs?
Many different types of essential oils repel and kill insects. Spiders hate peppermint oil, and tea tree oil is great for killing lice and other parasites. So, does lavender repel bed bugs?
Essential Oils and Bed Bugs
While rubbing alcohol, diatomaceous earth, and white vinegar are popular household ingredients to repel bed bugs and kill bed bug eggs, there are more enjoyable solutions.
Essential oils such as lavender oil are quite useful for deterring and even killing many types of insects, from spiders and mites to centipedes and bed bugs.
These insects cannot stand the odor these oils release and avoid traveling near areas where they detect them and often die if you apply the liquid directly to them.
Does Lavender Kill Bed Bugs?
Does lavender kill bed bugs, and what’s the best way to use it? Direct application is the easiest way to kill bed bugs when it comes to using lavender oil.
While this isn’t always possible since they like to hang out in their favorite hiding place, it’s an excellent contact killing solution.
Direct Lavender Application
While lavender essential oil is most useful for deterring bed bugs from your sleeping area, this liquid does have the benefit of killing them on contact.
Keep a bottle of lavender oil near your bedside. As soon as you discover bed bugs, apply the oil directly on them to kill them.
Learn How to use Lavender Oil for Bed Bugs
This DIY lavender oil spray for bed bugs not only repels them from your bedding, but it fills your bedroom with a relaxing aroma. The spray forces them out of hiding, making it easier for you to eradicate them.
Fill a glass bottle with two cups of water and add the essential oil. Make sure to use a glass container instead of plastic to prevent the oil from breaking down the material, and shake the container well to mix.
Spray the repellent directly on your mattress, box spring, bed frame, and headboard. Spritz it around the nightstands and dressers, along the wall, crevices, and outlets, and any hiding space in your bedroom.
Using a Diffuser to Deter Bed Bugs
How does lavender repel bed bugs? The insects cannot tolerate this oil’s fragrance and move out of areas where you apply it. Using a diffuser is the perfect way to fill the space around your bed with lavender perfume to deter them from the room.
Follow the instructions for your diffuser model and add the water accordingly. Squeeze in ten drops of lavender oil for every cup of water and place the diffuser directly beside your bed each night.
Steam Cleaning with Lavender to Eliminate Bed Bugs
Does lavender kill bed bugs? Direct application of this oil does kill them, and adding lavender to your steam cleaner is a highly efficient way of getting rid of bed bugs in the carpeting and mattress, as well as for killing bed bugs in a couch or loveseat crevices.
If your bed or bedroom are infested by bed bugs, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for your steam cleaner and ensure that essential oils are safe to use in your model. Fill the reservoir with water and add several drops of lavender oil.
Steam the top and bottom of your mattress and allow it to dry completely before making your bed. Slide your bed away from the wall and steam the carpeting from wall to wall to eliminate all bed bugs. Repeat as needed.
Ways to use Lavender to Repel Bed Bugs
While applying the oil directly onto the bugs is a straightforward method of killing these insects, there are other ways to incorporate the fragrance of lavender in your bedroom to repel and keep them from the space.
Besides making a bed bug spray and adding essential oil to your steam cleaner, there are other useful home remedies for repelling these bedroom insects.
Consider rubbing lavender-scented lotion into your skin at night as a bed bug repellent, or mix lavender with a carrier oil. It’s also safe to apply lavender oil directly to your skin before bed to keep bed bugs from being attracted to you while you sleep.
Add several drops of lavender oil to a bowl of potpourri, place it on your nightstands, and make a sachet to place beneath your bed. If you do not have any essential oil, use lavender scented laundry detergent and fabric softener to clean all of your bedding.
How to Prevent Bed Bugs
After using natural bed bug remedies to get rid of your bed bug problem, it’s vital to take steps to ensure your home remains bug-free.
However, if you discover that you have a severe infestation, consider using diatomaceous earth or a commercial insecticide to kill them.
Bed Bug Prevention
Always check your bags, luggage, and clothing after taking a trip out of town. These insects like to hitchhike from places such as hotels and are easy to miss when you get home and unpack. How long do bed bugs live and spread? Unfortunately, these bugs can live up to a year.
Wash your bedding frequently and vacuum regularly. Use protective covers on your pillows, mattress, and box spring and treat them quickly if you see signs of bed bugs.
Use a lavender-infused natural insect repellent in your home and on your skin as soon as you notice insect activity. There are several lavender types, including French and English lavender (Angustifolia), and all of them are effective as a bed bug killer and repellent.
It’s relatively easy to get rid of insects in your home without calling in an exterminator, as long as you catch the problem right away. A little bit of lavender oil and the right applications go a long way to killing and deterring these nasty and intrusive bugs.

We hope that knowing how to use lavender oil for bed bugs keeps your bedroom bug-free, and we’d love it if you’d share our bed bug elimination and prevention methods with your family and friends on Facebook and Pinterest.