It is common knowledge that dairy products don’t always hold up well in the freezer. On the other hand, some hard cheeses seem to do
Preserve Parmesan Cheese the Easy Way

Some dishes are just not complete without adding cheese. Parmesan is perfect grated over a pizza or bowl of spaghetti, and it’s a great addition to mac n cheese and fondue. Parmesan cheese, or Parmigiano-Reggiano, is a hard cheese with a nutty, fruity taste, and an unopened package lasts up to four months if you store it properly. While fresh Parmesan has a rind, this protective coating does stop it from spoiling once you cut into it, and it’s essential to use the right storage information to keep it fresh.
While Parmesan cheese lasts longer than many soft cheeses, it still requires refrigeration. Find out how to refrigerate this cheese by wrapping a wedge in wax paper or keeping it in an airtight container rather than plastic wrap, and freeze it by wrapping it in aluminum foil. Learn how long Parmesan cheese lasts in the fridge and freezer after you open it and how to tell when it’s no longer edible and ready for the trashcan. Enjoy some of our favorite cheese recipes and ways to use Parmesan to liven up dishes.
How to Store Parmesan Cheese
If we were to crown the overall king of all cheeses, it would be hard not to give the win to Parmesan. Parmesan cheese has
How Long is Parmesan Cheese Good for
Parmesan is a classic type of hard Italian cheese with a richly complex, nutty flavor. Since it usually gets sold in large blocks, it’s essential
How Long does Parmesan Cheese Last
Parmesan cheese, also called Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese, is one of the most popular kinds of cheese because it is diverse. Fresh Parmesan cheese has a savory