Sometimes all it takes is a sudden stop in the middle of traffic, and that morning delight we all know and love ends up all over our car’s upholstery and floor. While your fresh cup of coffee may be a helpful boost of energy in the morning, nothing is rewarding about having those dark splotches all over your carpet fibers. In moments like this, knowing the best methods for removing coffee stains from car carpet make a big difference in how much stress this little mishap causes.
Luckily for you, we have some of the very best strategies for coffee stain removal right here.Whether you’re eliminating fresh coffee stains or removing old dried coffee stains from car carpet, some of the most effective cleaning products require natural, non-toxic ingredients that are easy to use.
Finding the perfect carpet cleaner for you begins with what you have available in your pantry and how long the coffee stains on car carpet have had to soak into your floor.
How to Get Rid of Coffee Stains on Car Carpet
Since so much time is spent in our cars, it makes sense that dirt and stains can accumulate. Whether you need to know how to get pet hair out of car carpet or a coffee stain, the best solution is to treat the problem quickly.
Coffee contains a compound known as tannin, which also exists in red wine and dark teas. This element is what gives coffee stains their yellowish hue, discoloring everything from clothes to teeth, and of course, your car carpet.
In most cases, rinsing with a little bit of cool water does the trick for removing coffee stains on carpet. If not, you have these fantastic cleaning tips at your disposal. Try several different methods to see which you prefer or have a couple readily available to take care of spills when they happen.
Soak Up Excess Moisture
The first step to take when dealing with coffee or ice cream spills and cleaning wool carpet or another type in your home or car is to soak up as much moisture from the seat as possible. If you’re driving, pull over whenever it’s most convenient. Don’t attempt to clean up melted ice cream on carpet while driving to salvage the seats.
Set-in stains are just as easily cleaned and only need a different method for washing them.For fresh stains, blot the wet area with a clean cloth, napkin, or whatever fabric you have handy in the car.
After you soak up the excess liquid, sweep away any coffee grounds from the carpet, either with a vacuum or using a cloth. Doing this will ensure you don’t grind the particles further into the mat when cleaning.
Removing Coffee Stains from Car Carpet with Dish Soap
When you begin spot treating the carpet, start with the gentlest method possible. Clean car upholstery stains or those on the carpeting or mats with a mild detergent like Dawn dish soap to start. This recipe is also an excellent option for DIY carpet cleaning without a machine, especially since most carpet cleaners don’t fit inside your car.
When using dish soap to clean up coffee stains, start by mixing it with water in a small container. Using a white cloth, especially on light-colored fabrics, dip it into the soapy water until damp.
If the cleaning cloth is too wet, wring it out thoroughly before washing the floor. Avoid scrubbing when cleaning the car carpet, as this will cause the stain to embed itself within the carpet fibers. Instead, blotting the stain works best.
Using White Vinegar as a Stain Remover
Another helpful method for removing tough stains is vinegar. Not only is vinegar used as a powerful mattress stain cleaner, but it also works on almost every fabric surface. Vinegar works either on its own, diluted with water, or with other cleaning ingredients.
To make this car carpet cleaner spray, start by mixing the water and vinegar in a large spray bottle. Add the laundry detergent, then shake well before applying to the seat.
After spritzing the discoloration, blot the stain gently to avoid working it further into the surface of the car. After a minute or so, you’ll notice a visible difference in the fabric. Afterward, rinse with a cloth dampened with clean water and dry thoroughly.
If you need to remove rust stains from carpet, whether in the car or house, try this recipe with vinegar and laundry detergent. You may find that it takes less effort than you thought it would.
How to Use Baking Soda to Eliminate Coffee Stains
Baking soda also works wonders when it comes to removing coffee stains, especially when combined with other cleaning agents like vinegar. In addition to stain removal, this deodorizer will effectively get odor out of carpet and leave your car’s interior smelling fresh.
The baking soda also absorbs the remaining droplets of coffee, which saves your car’s carpet from accumulating mold or mildew after a spill.
To remove coffee stains from upholstery or the car carpet, start by cleaning with vinegar first. Wash the area with the same process as described in the previous step, then sprinkle the baking soda over the top.
Let the baking soda set on the carpet or car seat for at least 20 minutes, longer if you feel it needs it, then vacuum up the remaining powder. If the stain lingers, repeat the process.
Remove Old Dried Coffee Stains from Car Carpet with Lemon
Maybe you don’t have any vinegar lying around the house, but you may have access to the next best thing: lemon juice. Similar to how acetic acid works in vinegar, the citric acid in lemon juice eliminates stains caused by tannin.
Because it’s so great at reversing yellowing, many consumers also use it as a way to reduce the discolored appearance of nails.
Start by mixing all of the ingredients, leaving the club soda off to the side for now. Spray the area in the same manner you would with a vinegar solution and blot at the spot with a dry cloth or paper towels.
Add the club soda over the same area and leave it to soak for approximately five minutes before drying again.
Use Peroxide to Remove Coffee Stains on Car Carpet
If you want to remove a carpet stain from lighter fabrics, especially old stains that have started to set in, hydrogen peroxide is another phenomenal option.
Similar to vinegar, peroxide is a disinfectant and powerful stain remover, though it may discolor fabrics that are darker in color. Before using this mixture, always test a small hidden area first.
Begin with blending the water, peroxide, and the one and a half tablespoons of white vinegar first. Shake well, then gradually introduce the dish soap and essential oil to prevent the mixture from getting too soapy.
Blend, then gently blot at the stain with the formula using a damp cloth. You should notice the stain slowly start to lift away. Rinse the fabric with cool water, then dry with a clean cloth. Repeat the process as necessary.
Use an Ammonia-Based Cleaner
One more amazing homemade carpet cleaner solution you can use involves a little bit of ammonia to remove coffee stains from your carpet. This method works exceptionally well with stubborn stains that other DIY carpet cleaning solutions cannot remove.
When using ammonia, always make sure you wear long sleeves and goggles to protect your skin and eyes from irritation.
Start by dipping a clean cloth into the mixture and dabbing it over the stain. Allow the solution to soak into the material for approximately three minutes before rinsing with warm water. Use a dry towel to absorb extra liquid and ensure no ammonia is left behind on the fabric.
Whether you’re trying to remove old coffee stains you just noticed or ones freshly made from rush hour traffic that morning, these removal tips will put you well on your way to restoring your car’s carpet to being good as new again.
We hope you have enjoyed these easy-to-follow tips for what to do with coffee stains on car carpet. If you loved these DIY car carpet cleaning tips, then please remember to share your favorite idea for removing coffee stains from car carpet with friends and family on Facebook and Pinterest.