Alexandra, a preeminent deep cleaning specialist, possesses an expansive knowledge of advanced home cleaning and maintenance, honed by years of passionate practice. With a love for a polished surface that glistens, she has composed numerous articles on these subjects, providing valuable tips and tricks on maintaining a sparkling clean environment at home.
In addition to her cleaning prowess, Alexandra, a home gardening enthusiast, has extended her expertise to the realm of green living, providing comprehensive details on indoor plantations and adding many unique, in-depth publications to her portfolio.
An inherent caretaker, she flawlessly merged her personal life and professional skills when her children came along, teaching them about cleanliness and the wonders of gardening, making family time a learning experience. Their family encapsulates their love for life and their hobbies elegantly in the comfort of their home, filled with laughter, a couple of dogs, an assortment of indoor plants, and the inescapable smell of disinfectant.