When the months turn cold and winter sets in, mice start to look for warm places to spend the winter. Those warm places typically end
What Causes Toenail Fungus?
What causes toenail fungus? How to get rid of it? My son just started playing football and I’m afraid he’ll pick up something in the
Do You Know How to Dye Your Hair at Home with Peroxide?
Do you know how to dye your hair at home with peroxide? I don’t want it to end up orange-colored. Is there some trick to
Essential Oils for Sore Throat
When you have a sore throat, your first inclination is to rush to the doctor for antibiotics. But unless Strep bacteria causes a sore throat,
Do You Know What To Take For Canker Sores Inside My Mouth?
Do you know what to take for canker sores? I get these painful white spots in my mouth. It hurts to eat or talk. They
How Do You Get Rid of Mice in Your Home?
We inherited my grandma’s house which is next to an open field. I didn’t know she had a rodent problem. We’ve been having little furry
What Are The Best Ways To Clean Microfiber Couch Cushions?
We bought a sofa for the family room a few months ago. It’s beige and starting to show the dirt. Someone told me I can’t
Does Toothpaste Make Pimples Go Away Faster?
Does toothpaste make pimples go away faster? Does it matter what kind of toothpaste I use? Ana Rio, VA You asked does toothpaste make pimples
Do You Know What or How to Kill Bed Bugs Naturally with Home Remedies?
Do you know what or how to kill bed bugs naturally with home remedies? I really don’t want to use a pesticide if I don’t
What Can Help with Sore Throat Pain?
What can help with sore throat pain? I have allergies that kick up in the spring and fall. They give me a sore throat. I
What are Natural Ways How to Keep Mice Out of Home?
I had a home custom-built in a new suburb. The area’s still under heavy development. There is a lot of open land near where I
What are the Best Castor Oil Uses for Hair and Skin?
What are the best castor oil uses for hair and skin? I know you can take it internally, but I also heard you can get
What Is The Best Thing To Get Rid Of Flies?
What is the best thing to get rid of flies? A person can’t even sit outside in peace without flies buzzing everywhere. I’m tired of
Can Toothpaste Get Rid Of Blackheads?
Can toothpaste get rid of blackheads? My friend says it does. I want to try it. Janean J., Kansas Your friend isn’t the only person
How Can I Remove My Pimples?
How can I remove my pimples so I can look good at prom? Kristen Carter, Houston Pimples come in different types and intensities, and
What Can Vinegar be Used for Besides Cooking?
My husband’s been on a bulk food kick. We now have a freezer full of meat and more toilet paper than we probably need for
Ways to Kill Mold
Mold and mildew are everywhere, but it is essential to keep them out of your home. The potential exists for many ill health effects, especially