What can help with sore throat pain? I have allergies that kick up in the spring and fall. They give me a sore throat. I hate taking a lot of medication. Can you please tell me what natural remedies are good for soothing my throat?
Nancy Gregory, Austin
It turns out that you have a lot of options for soothing a sore throat. All these home remedies are listed at this link:https://www.tipsbulletin.com/how-to-get-rid-of-a-sore-throat-with-home-remedies-recipes/
Especially in winter, a sore through can be the result of dry indoor air. One easy solution to this issue is to purchase a humidifier. How does a humidifier work? The humidifier adds moisture to the air, making it easier to breathe, as it lubricates the nasal and throat passages.
For quick relief of a painful sore throat, try this old-time recipe. Make a cup of soothing tea from a tablespoon of honey, a teaspoon of lemon juice, and warm water. Sipping on that should make you feel better right away. Some folks like to use apple cider vinegar instead of lemon juice.
You may have already tried gargling with salt water. Although this isn’t very pleasant, it does help. Plus, it’s also true that ginger or cinnamon tea can make your throat feel a lot better. Even eating a marshmallow can soothe an irritated throat.
Now if you’re feeling brave, or desperate, make a paste from cayenne pepper and raw honey. This is an old remedy to treat strep throat. Sometimes people also like to add crushed garlic to the mix for extra antibacterial power.
Finally, having a humidifier running will keep your throat moist and fluids draining. Of course, resting and consuming plenty of liquid is very helpful to recover from a sore throat.
In closing, I hope you feel better as soon as possible.