Learn how to get cherry juice out of clothes and restore your favorite garments to their former glory. Anyone who drinks juice needs to understand how to remove cherry stains from clothing, as spills are inevitable. Cherry juice is delicious and healthy, making it a favorite in many households, but does cherry juice come out of clothes?
Despite carrying a massive amount of pigment which seeps in and stains most materials, you can remove cherry juice. Cherry juice stains are stubborn and require deeper cleaning than regular laundering to wash away. Many people try simply running their clothes through the washing machine after spilling juice on them and end up disappointed.
Luckily, juice marks are straightforward to erase using home remedies. Whether you dripped cherry juice on a white shirt or got a large spill on your jeans, get rid of the discoloration with products from around the house.

How to Remove Cherry Stains from Clothing
Knowing how to get cherry juice out of clothes and remove strawberry stains from fabric saves you from throwing out your favorite sweater or shorts after a spill. Rely on everyday supplies like distilled white vinegar, dish soap, and baking soda to get stains out of your clothes without using expensive and toxic chemical cleaners.
Does cherry juice come out of clothes? Despite its rich coloring, cherry juice does wash out of clothes, though a regular wash cycle isn’t always enough. Use powerful cleaners like distilled white vinegar and dish soap to oust cherry juice stains from your outfit.
Does Cherry Juice Come Out of Clothes?
Like a red wine stain, cherry juice is a heavily pigmented tough stain and requires extra effort to remove from your garments. The red colors in cherry juice penetrate deep into the fabric and dry, presenting a challenge, especially on light-colored material.
With the proper supplies, it is possible to clean cherry juice from many articles of clothing. As soon as a juice spill happens, grab a clean white cloth or paper towel and blot up as much cherry juice liquid as possible, then rinse with boiling water to reduce staining.
Many dark fruit juices will leave permanent stains on your clothes. Learn more ways to get grape juice out of clothes so that these red and purple stains don’t ruin your wardrobe.
How to Get Cherry Juice Out of Clothes with Baking Soda
Baking soda is known for eliminating difficult stains. Mix baking soda powder into a paste for an easy way to get Kool Aid out of clothes. The easy application lifts dark juice stains from clothing.
Mix the powder and water until combined into a thick paste and smear on the stained area. After the paste dries, wash it out along with the red staining. If discoloration persists, repeat until clean. Take care when using baking soda on dark garments, as it may cause fading.
White Vinegar Erases a Cherry Stain on Clothes
Distilled white vinegar is a potent deodorizer and stain remover, thanks to the acetic acid it contains. Dilute it with water to make a basic cleaner for fruit juice marks and for washing food dye out of clothes after an accidental spill.
Swirl the white vinegar and water in the sprayer, saturate the juice stain, and leave for half an hour. Follow the same procedure to get pizza sauce out of clothes. Scrub the blemish with a scrub brush or old toothbrush and rinse.
If you find the scent of vinegar intrusive, add half a cup of lemon juice for a fresher smelling cleaner. White vinegar spray removes stains from clothes and other surfaces like wood and carpet.
Vinegar can be used to get different types of dark food out of clothes. Use it to remove chocolate ice cream stains from fabric before placing your clothes in the washing machine. The acidic content of the vinegar breaks down color of dark stains.
Removing Cherry Juice Stains from Clothing
Dish soap is well known to remove stain marks from dishes and pans. Since liquid dish soap targets organic residue, it’s perfect for erasing a fruit stain, grease stain, or grass stain.
Mix and spray the soapy solution onto the stain or soak the pigment in the soapy water for 15 minutes. Work the soapy water into the fabric with your fingers and rinse with warm water to remove cherry juice drips.
Concentrated Laundry Detergent is Ideal for Removing Stains
Though laundry detergent doesn’t remove cherry juice stains when diluted in the washing machine, it is more successful when used as a concentrate. Pour laundry detergent onto a clean cloth and rub it directly into the cherry juice mark or use it for removing set in grease stains from clothing like your pants or shirt.
Let the detergent sit for at least ten minutes, rinse with cold water, and launder as usual. Try chlorine bleach on white clothes for intense staining instead of concentrated detergent.
If you have kids or enjoy dark-colored drinks, it’s paramount to understand how to remove cherry stains from clothing. Like berry stains and rust stains, cherry juice stains are easily removed from fabric. A fruit juice stain or a Kool Aid stain leaves your outfit looking messy, but stain removal doesn’t have to be daunting.

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