Few things are worse than sitting down for a bowl of cereal only to discover tiny black specs crawling through your oats. Those little pests are weevils, and chances are they’ve infiltrated other unsealed packaging in your cupboards, too. Discover how to keep weevils away from your precious pantry items with this quick-reference guide to pantry weevils.
Weevils are little beetles that belong to a superfamily called Curculionoidea. There are tens of thousands of species; some scientists say there are over 90,000 individual species of weevil worldwide. Usually less than a quarter inch in length, weevils have specialized snouts which help them bore into the grain kernel to lay eggs.
The most common weevils in American pantries are the bean weevil, flour weevil, grain weevil, and rice weevil. Weevils come in with grocery grains; unfortunately, weevil eggs are sometimes already present in your newly purchased grain product. Terrifying, right? We have surefire ways to get rid of flour weevils and stomp out that weevil infestation.

Learn Top Tips for Keeping Weevils Away
Weevils, four mites, rice bugs – whatever you call them, you don’t want them hanging around your kitchen cupboards. Use a homemade weevil repellent spray to keep weevils away and pick up helpful strategies to ensure continued cleanliness and pest protection. Never be afraid to use pantry grains again; these bug-control tips will do the trick.
It’s also relatively easy to get rid of weevils outside the house by growing a few plants that repel weevils and other bugs. Add lavender and mint to your yard for a smell you enjoy that many insects don’t.
Clean Your Cabinets and Toss Unsealed Food
Those little black specs in your dry goods are easily confused for seeds or spices. However, they are more than likely some variety of weevil; possibly Sitophilus oryzae (rice weevil), maize weevil, four beetle, or pantry moth.
Keeping weevils away starts with a thorough pantry inspection. If you notice weevils in one food source, there’s a good chance they’ve spread to other unsealed packaging in your pantry. Pay special attention to unsealed food items like flour, oats, grains, and cereal.
Stored grain is a beacon for hungry grain weevils seeking a nesting place. To get rid of weevils in pantry areas, dispose of infested food immediately, and take the garbage directly outside. Pop salvageable pantry items in a plastic bag and toss them into the freezer for a week to finish off weevil larvae.
Natural Ways to Keep Weevils Away
Food waste attracts rice bugs and grain beetles in droves. When dealing with an unwelcome pantry pest like the granary weevil, flour beetle, or another pantry bug, it’s essential to keep things clean and free of crumbs. Find out how to keep weevils away and the best way to kill pantry moths larvae with a simple white vinegar recipe.
Once you’ve cleared your cupboards of infested food, larvae, and adult weevils, it’s time to get scrubbing. Mix your preferred distilled white vinegar with one part water, and give the shelves a thorough spray to kill rice weevils naturally, kill pantry mites, and make the area less appealing.
Use a clean cloth or scrub brush to lift spilled food residue and allow some time to air-dry before restocking the shelves. Clean your pantry monthly to fend off flour mites in cupboards and prevent the reinfestation of flour mites and weevil eggs.
How to Keep Weevils Away With Potent Plants
What keeps weevils away? Like many insect pests, the weevil or flour bug avoids potent smells. Natural ways to keep weevils away include using bay leaves or cloves to repel would-be invaders.
Place bay leaves in your flour containers, or put a shallow bowl full of cloves in the pantry corner to repulse and deter pests. Refresh your herbs every ten days or so to keep things smelling strong.
Invest in Resealable Food Containers
The best way to keep a pest out of your food supply, whether you have grain mites in kitchen and pantry or weevils and moths, is to turn your flour into a fortress. Keeping weevils away with preventative measures like airtight containers is the number one way to stop weevils from controlling your kitchen cupboards.
Starting early is the most effective way to prevent weevils in rice. Seal your pet food, flour, rice, and cereal grains in an airtight container for freshness and security. Don’t allow half-open food packages to clutter your shelving space and attract bugs; always wipe crumbs immediately instead of leaving them to collect.
Weevils are creepy crawly pests, and no one wants to start the day with a cereal bowl full of them. We hope you loved our strategies for how to keep weevils away and that you never have to experience the horror of discovering bugs in your rice, flour, or cereal boxes. Prevent weevils by following our ideal guidelines.
Always seal your grains in airtight containers, and don’t be afraid to use aromatic herbs as a deterrent. Remember to keep your cupboards clean and free from crumbs.
Use our DIY vinegar spray for regular cupboard cleaning and maintenance, and schedule a monthly cleaning date to tackle kitchen shelves; consistency is a crucial aspect of pest management.

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