Brussels sprouts are a popular vegetable, and many gardeners are curious about companion planting for Brussel sprouts in the vegetable garden. These tasty little veggies
Amazing Tips for Growing Your Own Brussels Sprouts

Brussels sprouts look like mini cabbages, and they are delicious, whether you prefer them steamed or drizzled with olive oil and Kosher salt and baked in the oven. They are also highly nutritious and contain antioxidants, vitamins C and K, and fiber. As if these facts alone aren’t reason enough to begin growing Brussels sprouts, they are also easy to plant and maintain in the vegetable garden, even if you have little space. We gathered Brussels sprout planting and nurturing information to help you grow healthy vegetables.
Brussels sprouts are from the Brassica family of cruciferous vegetables, like cauliflower, cabbage, and broccoli. Growing Brussels sprouts takes a bit more time than many other vegetables since they are a long-season veggie, but the result is worth the wait. Learn how to start them from seed indoors and transplant them outside after the last frost. Discover how to spread mulch to prevent weeds and when to feed your plants as they mature. Find out how removing yellowing leaves stops the spread of disease, which pests are harmful to your vegetables, and when they are ready to harvest.
How to Grow Brussels Sprouts Indoors
Brussels sprouts are a popular veggie choice, and many gardeners wonder how to grow Brussels sprouts indoors. With the increasing popularity of container gardening, many
How to Harvest Brussels Sprouts
Brussels sprouts (Brassica oleracea) are among biennials belonging to the cabbage family of crops with collards and broccoli. If you’re a fan of these mini
How to Grow Brussels Sprouts
Brussels sprouts (Brassica oleracea) have become a favorite winter vegetable. If you’re looking to cook with these veggies, you could buy “fresh” or frozen Brussels
How to Plant Brussels Sprouts
Brussels sprouts are not the first thing to come to mind when we plan out a garden since these veggies have a long growing season,
How to Grow Brussels Sprouts in a Container
Brussels sprouts (Brassica oleracea) belong to a family of plants that includes superfoods like kale, mustard greens, collards, and cauliflower. While Brussel sprouts are a
How to Grow Brussels Sprouts From Seed
Brussels sprouts have recently gained popularity as tasty and incredibly healthful garden veggies. Homegrown Brussels sprouts are much more flavorful and nutritious than the store-bought
When to Plant Brussels Sprouts
Even if you detested Brussels sprouts as a child, there is a whole lot to love about growing these cool-season plants in your home garden.