Roaches are a part of nature, but we hate to see them around our homes. Finding German cockroaches in our kitchens or living rooms can ruin our day and make us feel unclean. That’s why it’s essential to know the answer to the question: “What do roaches hate?”
Knowing how to repel cockroaches puts you in charge of the situation. When you have a few home remedies in your back pocket, you have peace of mind that you can handle any roach infestation you encounter.
We created this guide to help you get a satisfactory answer when you ask, “What do roaches hate?” Learn how to get rid of roach infestation woes wherever they crop up.
What Things Do Roaches Hate?
Find non-lethal methods you can use when you want to know how to keep these common household pests out without hurting them, and we also show you how to repel roaches naturally using some homegrown but lethal options.
Roaches are everywhere and seem to get into everything, but that doesn’t mean that the entire species deserves death.
There are lots of ways to kill cockroaches naturally, but you can also use a time-tested and reliable method that won’t harm the insects as you drive them away. Grow some plants that repel roaches and utilize simple DIY solutions to keep them away. Keeping roaches at bay without hurting them will save you time and effort.
How to Repel Cockroaches with Non-Lethal Options
This section looks at non-lethal options for dealing with roach problems. We show you the plants that repel roaches and give you some options for using a smell roaches hate to drive them out of your home.
You’ll also get a recipe for an outstanding roach repellent spray that you can use without fear of harming either the roaches or your family and pets.
Drive the Roaches Away with Scents
Roaches have remarkably refined senses of smell as part of their toolkits. They can smell food through airtight containers and across entire houses. However, they don’t love all scents. What smells repel cockroaches and some other annoying bugs?
There are many plants that roaches hate that make excellent natural roach deterrent solutions. Use the fruits or leaves from these plants to create a powerful pest control repellent that won’t injure any creature but will keep cockroaches at bay.
Don the gloves. Crush the bay leaves to powder, and shred the mint leaves into small pieces. Sprinkle the mint, bay leaves, and coffee grounds in the corners of the room, near any food sources, and at entry points for the roaches.
The smells are durable and are a great way to keep roaches out of your home. Reapply the scents periodically to ensure they continue performing cockroach control.
Use an Essential Oil Spray
We included mint in the last scent-based option because mint leaves contain oils that roaches can’t stand. When you combine essential oils with soapy water and garlic, you produce a fantastic spray that repels roaches.
It’s the perfect roach spray for hard-to-reach areas and spots that can use a refreshing fragrance. Use it to answer the question, “What is the best way to prevent pest infestation?”
Don the gloves. Mix all your ingredients in a spray bottle, and shake to combine. Spray traffic areas, room corners, and entry points.
If roaches continue to pay you visits, increase the number of essential oil drops or use other essential oils that repel roaches like rosemary and eucalyptus. Reapply the spray periodically when the scent fades. Use it where you keep food for a safe and effective roach guard.
How to Get Rid of Roach Infestation Problems using Lethal Options
Roaches are persistent little creatures, and non-lethal repellents might not be enough to dissuade them from visiting your home. When you need to get rid of cockroaches quickly, and for good, nothing beats deadly force.
Your home is chock-full of products that you can use to create some excellent and fatal traps for your insect adventurers. This section looks at how to keep roaches out using lethal methods.
These options will take care of your roach problem for good, and they’re safe to use around pets and family. We give you some fantastic methods of poisoning roaches, and you’ll also get instructions on how to build a better roach trap to keep your home roach-free.
Knock Out The Roaches with Borax
Borax is a remarkable household product. It’s an excellent cleaner and is also just what you need when you want to know how to get rid of roach infestation issues.
You can use either Borax or boric acid to create an appealing bait that cockroaches can’t resist. This bait kills roaches by the job and can even take care of an entire remote nest. It’ll get rid of roaches fast.
For the best roach killer for apartments, garages, the kitchen, or elsewhere, mix up a batch of this simple recipe. Gather your supplies, don the gloves, and mix the ingredients to form a thick dough. Add equal parts water to the mixture if needed to moisten the dough and make it pliable.
Cut the dough into pieces about ½ inch on all sides and place the bait around the house and at entry points. The roaches will carry the best bait for a cockroach trap back to the nest. Use it as a get-rid-of-roaches-quick solution no matter where they hide.
Kill the Roaches with Baking Soda
Baking soda gets effervescent and releases carbon dioxide when it contacts liquid. You’ve probably seen this in action in kitchen volcanoes and other simple science experiments.
You can use this characteristic to turn baking soda into a dynamite roach killer. When a roach ingests the baking soda bait, the baking soda rapidly releases carbon dioxide and kills the roach.
Keep this mixture dry to allow the baking soda to retain its carbon dioxide. Mix the sugar and baking soda, and fill small containers with the mixture. Place the vessels around the house and at entry points. Replace the bait if it gets wet.
Dry Out the Roaches with Diatomaceous Earth
Diatomaceous earth is impressive stuff and a top-notch cockroach killer. It’s composed of microscopic fossils and works as both an abrasive and a dehydrating agent.
When roaches and other insects step on diatomaceous earth, it cuts into their exoskeleton and begins to dry them out. The roaches then track the diatomaceous earth back to their nest, where it impacts the entire colony. Use it to get rid of cockroaches completely.
Put on the safety gear. Sprinkle a layer of diatomaceous earth wherever roaches walk in your home and at entry points.
You’ll need to reapply the diatomaceous earth from time to time to keep it active and working. Create a similar effect with liquid fabric softener, but diatomaceous earth is much more effective.
Make Roach Traps with Petroleum Jelly
Poison and dehydrating agents aren’t your only weapons against roaches. You can make fantastic cockroach traps using nothing more than petroleum jelly and a little sugar.
The petroleum jelly grabs the insects and doesn’t let them go, like a homemade Roach Motel. It’s an effective and safe means of handling your roach problem.
Smear petroleum jelly on the cardboard, making sure to leave a thick coating of jelly. Place one teaspoon of sugar in the center of the smeared petroleum jelly. Leave the cardboard in high-traffic areas. Check the cardboard periodically, and clean away any dead roaches or other insects.
We hope you had a blast checking out our article on how to repel cockroaches. Cockroaches can be a modern plague, but they don’t have to ruin your life.
Our guide shows you some fantastic non-lethal and lethal ways of getting rid of cockroaches. We can help you find the best remedy for your insect issues.
Thanks for reading about our cockroach repellent methods. If you found our answer to “What do roaches hate?” to be helpful, please share these suggestions on how to get rid of cockroach infestation issues on Pinterest and Facebook.