While cellar spiders are mostly harmless, very few people enjoy the experience of running into a spider or walking into spider webs or cobwebs while working in the basement. Even worse is stumbling across egg sacs inside your home. The worst part, though, is that some species of basement-dwelling spiders aren’t so harmless, either. The bites of these spiders can even require a trip to the hospital, so it’s essential to know how to get rid of spiders in the basement to avoid these pests.
The spider bites of both black widow spiders and brown recluse spiders can make you feel quite sick. Fear of spiders, also called arachnophobia, is a common phobia, with between three and six percent of the world’s population suffering from this fear.
It’s no wonder, either. Spiders have always been strangely scary looking, and we’ve grown to fear them because of their bite and venom. While not all of them build webs or are poisonous spiders, it doesn’t make having them in your home any more comfortable.
Getting Rid of Spiders in the Basement
There are several different strategies for getting creepy crawlies out of your basement and your home, and we’ll explore these strategies in the paragraphs below. If you’re wondering how to get rid of spiders in the basement, read on!
House spiders have been a fan of basements for as long as they’ve existed, and it can be tough to banish them thoroughly, especially if you have an older home. However, there are many tips and tricks to get rid of cellar spiders that you can employ to dissuade them from entering your home in the first place.
We’ll explore some of the best repellent, treatment, and prevention options for how to get rid of spiders in your house and the basement and learn how to deter spiders in the first place, keeping them outside where they belong.
You won’t have to fear descending into the cellar any more when using our spider repelling solutions. Our solutions are simple and easy to implement. You’ll be a spider control expert before you know it.
White Vinegar Spray for Spiders in Basement
White vinegar is a natural, DIY-friendly acid that’s mild and versatile. Though it doesn’t have the most pleasant smell, it’s excellent for a multitude of household uses, one among them being spider-killing! It’s a unique, safe method for keeping spiders out that won’t harm pets or children, so it’s ideal for families that aren’t keen on using commercial pesticides.
To make this simple DIY spider repellent spray, mix equal parts vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Spray any spiders you find with this white vinegar spray for spiders in the basement or any other area of the home where they may lurk.
The vinegar is thought to be acidic enough to burn the spiders and kill them quickly. It’s a great secret weapon to have when you’re dusting or cleaning!
If you’re looking to repel spiders with a more natural method, leaving a small dish of vinegar out in any problem areas may be enough to repel spiders, too. You can even add a bit of dish soap to the mix to give it a little more spider-killing oomph.
Kill Spiders in Basement with Diatomaceous Earth
Diatomaceous earth is a natural and harmless way to kill or repel all sorts of insects, including spiders! This special powder is ideal for taking care of roaches, eliminating ants, and getting rid of silverfish, too.
What is diatomaceous earth used for? This pest control sediment can be sprinkled around any problem areas, on window sills, under doorways, around loose baseboards, or inside cracks to kill spiders and other pesky insects in the basement or other areas of the home and prevent infestations.
Diatomaceous earth is made up of small, ultra-sharp particles that lacerate the exoskeleton of insects and arachnids, killing them quickly. As a result, diatomaceous earth is the best way to kill house flies naturally, and it can be useful for deterring cockroaches and other crawlies, too.
If you’re intent on keeping spiders out, spread diatomaceous earth around the exterior of your home, too. However, it can be cost-prohibitive to procure this much diatomaceous earth, and there’s no guarantee that the wind won’t blow it away or an animal won’t brush it off. We recommend spreading it anywhere you commonly see spiders in your basement instead.
Deter Spiders by Removing Access
The only fool-proof way to keep spiders out of the garage is to make it so they can’t enter at all! While it’s difficult to seal up every nook and cranny in your home, especially if it’s an older house, you’ll reap the benefits in spider control and increasing your home’s energy efficiency. When you look at it like that, there’s no reason not to seal up any crevices!
Even if there’s a spider infestation outside your home, they can’t touch you if they can’t get inside! Start by tackling any cracks, holes, or gaps around pipes and wires with some good exterior-grade caulk. Caulk will expand to fit most small spaces, and it lasts long enough to keep critters out for some time.
If you have any areas that are too wide for caulk, you can always go for expanding foam instead, which will serve much the same purpose. Once you’ve filled all the nooks and crannies you can find, it’s time to take a good look at your windows. Windows are always a prime suspect for the entry of any insect, especially if your windows are old or equipped with ill-fitting screens.
If you can’t replace your windows entirely, replace old window screens with well-fitting fine mesh instead. The next logical step is to remove any environments where the spiders might hide outside your home. This is an excellent accompaniment to filling the holes in the exterior of your home, as spiders will be less likely to hang out next to your home in the first place if there are no shelters nearby.
Wood piles, cardboard boxes or wooden crates, stones, and vegetation are all things to avoid. Keep in mind that spiders are attracted to food sources, too.
While removing shelters will help, any outdoor lights, especially bright sodium vapor lights, attract the spiders’ prey to your home. Turn off any exterior lights at night to prevent the spiders from pursuing their prey in the first place.
Repel Spiders with Essential Oils
Several different varieties of essential oils – specifically peppermint oil and eucalyptus oil – can be useful natural spider repellents for your home. The oil is thought to be too overwhelming for spiders, and they should move in the opposite direction when they come into contact with it.
In fact, most insects detest the smell of peppermint, including spiders, roaches, and ants. Use this homemade spider and bug spray as a pleasant alternative to commercial repellents that contain harmful chemicals.
Mix the peppermint oil and water in a spray bottle to make the perfect peppermint spray for spiders. Make sure the ingredients are combined, then spray the mixture in any areas where you’ve seen spiders, especially entrances and exits to your home.
Doors, cracks, and windows are the usual culprits. Repeat applications are necessary when the scent fades. Peppermint essential oil and eucalyptus oil are excellent natural remedies for keeping spiders out, and they also won’t hurt children and pets.
Plus, these essential oils will make your basement and other areas smell delicious in the process! Try this spider web repellent and keep a bottle on hand for whenever you encounter one of these creepy creatures.
Remove Spiders with Traps
When all else fails, trapping basement spiders is another way to keep them out of your hair and out of your sight. Similar to gnat traps, there are many ways to do this, like with glue traps, spider traps, or fly strips, but our favorite method is vacuuming! Specialized vacuum cleaners for bug collection exist, but you should be able to clean up the offenders (and their webs) with any standard vacuum cleaner with a hand hose.
Exterminators or foggers for house spiders should only be considered as a last resort. After all, if you have a persistent spider problem, there’s probably a reason behind it.
If you don’t treat the source and choose to hire an exterminator instead, you’ll likely end up with a repeat problem somewhere down the road. However, to get rid of spider infestation, it is probably a wise idea to contact professionals who are more equipped to deal with this large-scale problem.
If you liked this guide on how to get rid of spiders in the basement, make sure to share these spider-killing and spider-repelling tips with the people you know on social media – we’d appreciate it!