You’ve just finished cooking a fantastic meal featuring herbed fish sauteed in olive oil and are wrapping up by giving the kitchen a quick clean. Only when you make your way to the stove top do you realize that you are not the cleanest of cooks. However, there are several ways how to get grease off a stove, whether they are greasy spills or baked-on grease.
The easiest way to keep a cooktop clean is to wipe away grease splatters with hot soapy water every day. Unfortunately, we all lead busy lives and are guilty from time to time of letting this chore slip by.
Luckily, we have many cleaning hacks for removing those grease stains and grime off of a stove and keep it looking brand new. Learn how to clean your stovetop the easy way with common household ingredients.
Remove Grease from a Stove
In the following sections, we’ll show you how to clean grease off a stove top using cleaning products you can make in your own home. These DIY degreaser spray recipes are efficient for removing grease from stainless steel, a gas stove, and a glass top stove without having to use a harsh oven cleaner.
Why waste time and money buying something that may be harmful to the environment when you can make your cleaning remedies at home to remove gunk from the stove? We believe the most effective way to remove grease from a stove is a natural way without using store-bought cleaning products.
These recipes are also helpful to clean a greasy stove hood, too. Tackle the entire stove to get it shining and grease-free with little effort and even less expense.
How to Clean Grease Off a Stove Top
Vinegar is one of the easiest ways to clean an oven, and also makes a handy window washing solution. The mildly acidic nature of vinegar helps it to break down grease stains that have built up around stove grates. The following method will show you how to remove baked on grease using a few simple household ingredients and a little elbow grease.
To make this simple but very effective DIY stovetop degreaser, start by mixing equal parts lemon juice and vinegar in a spray bottle. Remove the grease catchers and heating coils from an electric stove. If you have a gas stove top, remove the grills and cover the heating elements using newspaper and tape.
Spray the vinegar and lemon cleaning solution liberally over the top of the stove and allow it to sit for about ten minutes. Get a soft cloth wet with warm water and wipe down the entire area, paying particular attention to extra dirty spots.
For tougher areas of baked-on grease, you can use a soft scrub brush to loosen old grime. Rinse the cloth clean with water and wipe away any residue to leave a streak-free shine to the stovetop.
Easy Way to Remove Grease from a Stove
The following process is the best way to clean a stove top that has old, crusty grease stains. Baking soda is considered a mild abrasive that can be used safely as a cleanser on a variety of surfaces, including the stove, cast iron, countertops, and even in the dishwasher.
Remove grates and grease catchers from the stove top. Get a sponge wet with hot water and wipe down the entire surface of the stove but do not allow it to dry. For how to remove baked on grease using baking soda, sprinkle a decent amount of the powder along the whole surface, and let it sit for about five minutes.
You’ll notice that the baking soda begins to change color as it absorbs the grease. Use a scrubber to work the baking soda into the areas of crusted fat and to remove baked on grease. Use a damp cloth to wipe away all of the baking soda and grime. Your stove top will look like new again.
Cleaning a Stove Top with Soda Pop
This home remedy will get cooked on grease off a stove top using a non-conventional and surprising ingredient, cola soda pop. Cola drinkers may be unhappy to hear that their favorite beverage is an acidic liquid that can clean just about anything when given time.
The carbonic acid in cola beverages helps to break down grease build-up and loosen grime. Don’t throw away those half-empty cans of soda. Use them to clean your stove!
After removing any grates and grease catchers, pour any brand of cola soda onto the burnt-on grease stains. Allow the soda to fizz away at the grime for about five minutes. Use paper towels to clean up the pop and grease residue.
Get a sponge wet with hot water and apply some Dawn dish soap to the sponge. Wipe down the stove top with the soapy water. Rinse the sponge with clean water and wipe away any soapy residue.
Read on to discover more recipes for a homemade oven cleaner with Dawn and lemon juice. Lemon is an excellent ingredient to get rid of hard water stains on your oven door.
Cleaning Grease Off an Oven Using Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide has strong oxidizing properties, while baking soda is a mild scouring agent. When the two ingredients are mixed, they become a cleaning force to be reckoned with when removing tough stains.
We recommend using this solution on those hardened areas of grease build-up around the burner and grates.
Pour the baking soda into the bowl and add just enough of the hydrogen peroxide to form a runny paste. Pour the paste onto the stubborn stained areas of the stove. Let the cleaning solution sit for a few minutes and then use the cloth to work at the stains until gone.
You can use a scraper for those really tough spots of hardened grease and food. Just be sure to hold the scraper at an angle and go slowly to ensure that you do not scratch the stove surface. Use a wet sponge to wipe the entire surface clean.
Cleaning Greasy Stove Drip Pans
One of the areas on the stove top to suffer the worst when it comes to spills and boil overs are the drip pans beneath the burners on an electric stove. If your stove has these pans, they can be easily removed for soaking and cleaning while you work on removing grease from the rest of the oven.
Remove the burners and drip pans from the stove. Fill the kitchen sink with hot water and place the drip pans into the sink to soak for about ten minutes. Drain the water and replace it with enough white vinegar to cover the drip pans.
Allow them to sit for approximately half an hour. The acidity of the vinegar will work at loosening and removing more of the grease build-up.
Finally, without draining the vinegar, sprinkle baking soda over the tops of the pans. Allow them to sit for 15 more minutes. Use a sponge to remove any of the grime left behind and rinse with clean water.
While the ideal action would be to take care of food spills and oven grease stains immediately, this may not always be possible. Cleaning up those areas of crusted food, cooking spills, and greasy mishaps is easier then you may have thought.
All you need are the right ingredients, some useful cleaning tips, and a little bit of time. Who would have thought that you could remove grease from the stove top using soda pop, baking soda, vinegar, and hydrogen peroxide?
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