What vegetables grow in shade? The only place I can plant a garden is on the north side of the house. I was hoping for something for something more substantial than lettuce.
Eva L., Baytown, TX
It’s true that lettuce grows well in indirect light. But you’re not limited to only that. If you want to know what vegetables grow in shade, the complete list is on this page:https://www.tipsbulletin.com/vegetables-that-grow-in-shade/However, I’ll list some of them here.
To start with, whether you plant broccoli seeds or transplants, broccoli only needs one or two hours of sunlight per day. It won’t produce large heads, but it will taste just as delicious as larger heads. Cauliflower needs a little more sun than broccoli but both of these vegetables prefer cool temperatures. In your part of Texas that may mean planting them in the fall.
If you want some easy vegetables to grow that also require little light and yield a delicious and almost continuous harvest, try some leafy vegetables like kale, bok choy, cress, and spinach.
Bok choy, also known as Chinese cabbage, only needs a couple of hours of sunshine, and cress can thrive with only indirect light. Green onions or scallions are also easy to raise in partial shade. Although you can sprout the scallions in water, they won’t grow properly without soil.
After that, try growing radishes. They have smaller roots and more abundant leaves in the shade, but the veggies will have the same flavor. Also, they are very quick-growing and are ready to harvest in a month or less. Plant seeds every couple of weeks for a continuous harvest.
Finally, carrots, peas, and potatoes are all capable of growing without a lot of sunlight. For example, carrots will grow more slowly but shade protects them from tasting bitter. Peas and potatoes prefer at least five to six hours of light but can get by on less.
For an indoor project, you can regrow mushrooms with a kit or by making your own substrate. It’s easy and a great idea to do with the kids.
If you don’t want to fool with planting seeds and waiting the extra time they take to grow, growing beets from scraps is an easy way to speed up harvest time.
To sum up, I hope these ideas help you plant a vegetable garden that flourishes in the shade.