If weeds have gradually started to claim your lawn as their home, your search for the perfect weed killer has likely led you to some
Clever Strategies for General Weed Control

Some weeds are beneficial and have medicinal qualities, while others produce wildflowers that attract pollinators. However, some of them have prickers that are a painful surprise when walking barefoot on the grass and others are poisonous, resulting in itchy rashes and red bumps. It’s vital to have the right weed control information to keep your lawn and desired areas of vegetation weed-free. Learn ways to use organic solutions and make home remedies to kill weeds throughout your yard in a few simple steps.
While not all weeds are a nuisance, some of them take over the lawn and garden quickly if you don’t take control right away and prevent them from returning each season. Fortunately, weed control is easy as long as you know what works and what doesn’t. Find out how to make a natural weed killer to kill bindweed, clover, brush, chickweed, kudzu, Japanese knotweed, dandelions, and a variety of broadleaf weeds using white vinegar, lemon juice, and Epsom salts. Discover ways to eliminate individual weeds with boiling water and pull weeds by hand without disturbing nearby plants.
Homemade Brush Killer
All it takes is one fast-growing brush plant to make your yard look like something out of a Sleeping Beauty nightmare. While some brush is
How to Get Rid of Bindweed
Our gardens give us happiness and pride, and we love to spend time tending the plants. But weeds such as bindweed, also known as Wild
Homemade Clover Killer
Killing perennial weeds seems to be a never-ending battle, whether they are broadleaf weeds, such as dandelions and Creeping Charlie or other lawn weeds such
Natural Ways to Kill Weeds
If you’re like most people, you want a beautiful lawn, lush with the kind of thick grass you can walk barefoot in or a flower
Homemade Broadleaf Weed Killer
Most of us want to learn how to get rid of broadleaf weeds in the lawn, as we wish for that picture-perfect yard. A homemade
How to Get Rid of Chickweed
A lush, green lawn is the envy of a neighborhood and a balm for your senses. However, stray annual weeds such as chickweed can invade
What Kills Grass and Weeds Permanently
The worst part about weed control is that it never seems to stop. Once you remove one series of stubborn lawn invaders, a whole new
Homemade Japanese Knotweed Killer
Spotting Japanese knotweed growing on your property may give you a feeling of dread. This noxious weed causes more problems than just being an eyesore.
How to Get Rid of Kudzu
The last thing you want to discover growing in your lawn is the kudzu vine. This weed can cover your garage or house in a
Organic Weed Killer
Pesky weeds are like those uninvited guests that refuse to leave. Keeping weed plants at bay is a struggle, especially if you are trying to
Homemade Creeping Charlie Killer
While all plants have their place in nature, some are desirable in the yard and others you may prefer to keep out. Weeds that invade
How to Get Rid of Creeping Charlie Organically
Weeds are a nuisance in the yard, especially when their name contains the word creeping. Nothing can ruin a perfectly healthy lawn then a weed
Homemade Vegetation Killer
Throughout the year, your lawn encounters unwanted visitors that often try to overpower the pristine condition of your grass and the flowers in your garden.
How to Get Rid of Thistle
A common type of weed most homeowners and gardeners hate to see sprouting up on their turf is thistle. A tough weed to kill, the
How to Kill Dandelions in Your Lawn
As children, we associate the white, fluffy seeds of dandelions with wishes waiting to be fulfilled with one powerful puff of breath. As adults, however,
Epsom Salt Based Homemade Weed Killer
We love to see our lawns spread out in front of us like long, green carpets, all lush and beautiful. Weeds all too often can
How to Get Rid of Clover
You can do everything right in your quest to have a beautiful lawn only to have it marred by stubborn, nasty weeds. One of the
How to Get Rid of Dandelions
Dandelion flowers are deceitful yellow flowers that look striking while in bloom. That is until they turn into puffballs of dandelion seeds waiting to take
How to Get Rid of Japanese Knotweed
The Japanese Knotweed displays large, heart-shaped leaves that protrude from bamboo-like stems and produce small clusters of creamy white flowers, which bloom in late summer.
How to Get Rid of Weeds Naturally without Killing Grass
Weeds are criminally invasive plants that quickly smother your garden beds and lawns if left unchecked. The biggest issue homeowners run into while searching for
Natural Weed Killer
Taking care of your home means looking after the outside as well as the inside, and nothing makes a home look more beautiful from the
Homemade Duckweed Killer
Duckweed can be quite problematic for pond owners as the aquatic plant lowers the oxygen levels of small ponds. The deprivation of oxygen kills fish,
Natural Dandelion Killer
An absolute indication of early spring is a plethora of broadleaf weeds like dandelions in full bloom. Although they may have a few benefits, they
Homemade Weed Killer
Is it that time of year again? You know, the time of year where those new weeds start popping up from your plant’s plots? Did