There is nothing like using culinary herbs when preparing your own food, and picking fresh herbs from your personal herb garden is even better. Their
General Herb Growing Tips
Taking a snip of fresh basil from your own kitchen herb garden for homemade pesto is a gratifying experience. You can enjoy the results of your labor while providing your diet with healthy food. Unlike dried herbs that you get from the grocery store, homegrown herbs have an aromatic freshness that tantalizes the senses. And, growing herbs of your own means that you get to enjoy the plant’s flavorful benefits without harmful chemicals. The best thing about planting an herb garden is it is easy to grow even if you are a beginner or have a brown thumb, and you don’t need a lot of space to produce delicious plants.
We show you how to grow basil, oregano, mint, rosemary, and other easy growing herbs, whether you’re growing herbs indoors in a container on a sunny kitchen windowsill or outside in an herb garden. We have information on a range of herb-related topics, including which ones to plant in the spring, summer, or fall and plants to avoid growing alongside your favorite herbs. We explain the differences between popular herbs, their health benefits, and ways to use them in everyday cooking.
Grow Herbs in Water
Fresh herbs are delicious in garnish and accentuate any dish. Many gardeners hope to grow herbs in water in the winter or year-round to ensure
How to Harvest Herbs
Growing an herb garden at home is a rewarding experience as it provides fresh herbs as soon as you need them for a recipe. When
Types of Herbs
Different types of herbs drastically alter a dish’s flavor profile and contain many health benefits and medicinal properties. Knowing more about herb types and growing
Herbs vs Spices
Herbs and spices add flavor, texture, color, and aroma to food, and the culinary world would be pretty dull without them. While we may confuse
Herbs to Grow in Pots
Propagating a home herb garden is easier than you imagine, and it doesn’t cost a lot to get started. What if you didn’t have to
When to Plant Herbs
Growing your own herbs is satisfying, and there are many varieties to include in the herb garden, whether you grow them for cooking or creating
Easiest Herbs to Grow in Your Garden
There is nothing quite like the aroma and taste of herbs to brighten and enhance a meal. Unfortunately, while your local grocery store has plenty
Herbs to Plant in Winter
Starting a herb garden in winter may not sound enticing, but winter holds much potential for those with a green thumb. This article reviews what
Herbs to Grow in Containers
Whether you’re hoping to add mint to your tea or sprinkle oregano onto your pizza, growing your own supply of herbs is simple and rewarding.
Best Herbs to Grow Indoors
When it comes to having fresh herbs on hand, it doesn’t get much more convenient than your kitchen windowsill. In this article, discover the best
Fresh vs Dried Herbs
The best way to make home cooked food taste better is to incorporate more herbs into your recipes. We assume that the fresher the herbs
Herbs to Grow in Fall
The end of the summer season doesn’t have to mean the end of your supply of fresh herbs. Numerous herbs thrive in the cool weather
How to Plant Herbs
There are countless reasons to plant an herb garden at home, from using fresh herbs in your favorite recipes to brewing a homegrown cup of
Companion Planting Herbs
Gardening is a joyous hobby that rewards you endlessly if you take good care of your plants. While there are plenty of beneficial insects you
Herbs to Grow in Your Garden
Most people don’t realize how easy an herb garden is to take care of, but they don’t always know where to start. Fresh herbs are
Herbs to Plant in Spring
Spring signals the upcoming season of backyard gardening and summer barbecues, but it’s also very fickle. Temperatures fluctuate from one day to the next, and
Herbs to Plant in Fall
When planting any kind of garden, home gardeners think of early spring as the best planting time. While early spring is ideal for many perennials
Easy to Grow Herbs
Who doesn’t love tossing fresh basil, oregano, and thyme into a bubbling pot of marinara sauce? If you have never had fresh herbs because you
Herbs to Plant in Summer
Summer is a season filled with flourishing flowers, veggies, and fresh herbs. Growing and cooking with plants from a personal herb garden adds bold aromas
Combative Plants
Have you noticed that azaleas struggle to grow under a black walnut tree? Or that beans planted near sunflowers never flourish? Those are two examples
Kitchen Herb Garden
What if basil for the Caprese salad was only a few steps away? And mint to garnish the mojito, too? It’s not necessary to rush