Please tell me how to grease off stainless steel stove without scratching it. I’m helping my mother-in-law move. Everything has to be perfectly clean before it’s shipped to her new house. Thank you.
Ellie T., Pensacola, FL
I’m glad you asked this question about how to clean stainless steel. A lot of people don’t know how to get grease off a stainless steel stove or the best way for cleaning a brushed stainless refrigerator or other appliance without scratching them. This type of surface can be tricky to clean without damaging the surface.
Of course, you’ll want to let the stove cool down first if it’s been in use. Also, here is an important tip for you – look closely at the surface. Can you see the direction of the grain?
You’ll need to follow the grain when cleaning and wiping and use a good homemade stainless steel cleaner if you want to successfully clean stainless material.
Now, you’ll need three things on hand for the best way to remove grease from a stove: a microfiber cloth, a little water, and some Barkeeper’s Friend cleanser. This is the best-powdered cleaner for stainless steel.
It removes grease and stains without damaging the stainless steel surface. Cleaning a stained stainless stove or other stainless appliance is quick and easy with this effective cleaner. It’s inexpensive, too!
How to degrease a stove made from stainless or other material begins with spritzing some water on the surface of the stove. Then liberally sprinkle on the Barkeeper’s Friend over the entire top. If you see tough stains or baked-on food spots, make a paste with the cleanser, apply it to the stained areas, and let it sit for a while to soak into the stains.
Wipe the cleanser off by following the direction of the grain and don’t swirl in circles or scrub too hard. You may find that you need to repeat the process of applying more water and more Barkeeper’s Friend to get a perfectly clean stovetop without any stains at all. But once you’re done, it should look great!
You don’t have to go out and buy Barkeeper’s Friend. You can also use a paste to clean the gas stovetop with baking soda and water and this combination works just as well (and costs less, too). This natural cleaning powerhouse can remove grease, food stains, odors and more from gas and electric stoves, as well as those made from stainless steel or an enamel coating. And, you probably already have a box of baking soda in your pantry!
If you need to clean the inside of the oven or the stove burners, you’ll find helpful advice for how to clean stove burners in this article: The above baking soda recommendation also makes the perfect homemade degreaser for an oven. After removing the racks, dampen the surfaces with vinegar or water and sprinkle baking soda on them. After the chemical reaction fades, wipe off the cleaner and rinse.
Depending on how dirty your burners are, there are several home remedies you can use to take care of the problem. Simple soap and water may be enough to make them sparkle, but it may be necessary to bring out some heavy-hitting cleaning supplies like baking soda, vinegar, and ammonia for baked-on grease or gunk.
I hope your kitchen cleanup is a breeze now that you know how to clean stainless steel without harming the brilliant surface.