Does trying to figure out how to get ice off windows make you late for work? Getting ice off windows is one of the downsides
Can You Freeze Salad Dressing
Can you imagine your life without salad dressing? No vinaigrette on your salad greens, nothing to dip your radishes in, and no ranch condiment alongside
How to Keep Lemons Fresh
Lemons are a multi-purpose fruit that is commonly found at your local grocery store or farmer’s market. The acidic fruit has a wide array of
How Long is Macaroni Salad Good for
We all enjoy a backyard cookout with the works. We spend the afternoon filling our pates with everything from BBQ chicken and hamburgers to potato
How to Freeze Lemon Juice
If you have a lemon tree in your backyard or have excess lemons you do not know what to do with, learning how to freeze
How Long to Boil Eggs for Egg Salad
There’s nothing more decadent than a perfectly cooked egg to complement a meal. While eggs are great when fried or turned into deviled eggs, one
How to Remove Sticker Residue from Glass
Adhesive residue on glass surfaces is often thought to be difficult to remove. However, learning how to remove sticker residue from glass is easy with
When to Plant Basil
If you are searching for one of the most popular herbs to incorporate into your vegetable garden, grow basil plants. Basil varieties are straightforward regarding
How to Freeze Milk
Sometimes it is challenging to use up an entire gallon of milk before the expiration date. If this is a frequent issue for your household,
How to Remove Paint from Wood Furniture
Finding an attractive piece of furniture at your local second hand or thrift store is always a lucky find. However, giving it a proper makeover
Does Coconut Milk go Bad
Coconut milk is a tasty non-dairy substitute for dairy milk. The white part of the inside of a coconut, called the coconut meat, is transformed
How Long does Soy Milk Last
Since soy milk is not like regular milk, it’s natural to think that it has a never-ending shelf life. However, this non-dairy milk does indeed
Can You Freeze Almond Milk
Can you freeze almond milk to save it for a later date? Freezing almond milk is an excellent way to extend the product’s shelf life.
How Long does Brewed Coffee Last in the Fridge
Most baristas agree coffee is one of those beverages that is different and unique for everyone. Some enjoy a steaming cup of black coffee, others
Can You Freeze Coconut Milk
Coconut milk is all the rage these days, whether you have a favorite Thai chicken curry recipe or prefer it as a substitute for dairy
Can You Freeze Soy Milk
Soy milk, almond milk, coconut milk, and all other milk alternatives have become all the rage with increasing numbers of vegans and people who have
How to Preserve Milk
Many of us remember growing up as kids and hearing our parents tell us to drink our milk so we could grow big and strong.
How Long is Almond Milk Good for
When figuring out if cow’s milk has gone bad, all it takes is a sniff or a little sip to know if it’s spoiled. Nut
How to Preserve Basil
Basil is the ultimate summer garden herb with the best taste and aroma, and the plants are incredibly prolific. By the end of the summer,
DIY Bed Bug Traps
There are thousands of critters who crawl around and find their way into our homes. Bed bugs are the worst of all of them, and
How to Remove a Sticker from a Car
Have you ever had to use one of those pesky car decals as an office or apartment parking permit? Or even worse, maybe you purchased
How to Store Lemon Juice
There are numerous ways to use lemons, from zesting over a fish taco to homemade lemonade. Unfortunately, freshly squeezed juice does not last very long
How to Freeze Lemons
Citrus fruit has a fantastic ability to transform the flavor of foods with only a little of their juice or rind. Although they often make
Does Lemon Juice go Bad
If you love cooking at home, you probably already know of the magic of lemon juice. The citric acid in the liquid is often the
How to Store Celery
Celery is a staple in many home cooks’ kitchens, but we often don’t ever use a full bunch of celery in one sitting. Choosing how
How to Freeze Basil
Nothing transforms a dish more than adding fresh herbs while it cooks. This addition means knowing how to freeze basil and other popular herbs and
How to Store Lettuce
No matter what region of the Earth you live in, you probably eat lettuce on a semi-consistent basis. This consumption means that knowing how to
How to Preserve Cilantro
Cilantro is a popular herb in many Asian and Mexican dishes and is one of the easiest to grow in the garden. However, an abundant
Can You Freeze Cilantro
Whether you worship it or despise it, cilantro is an herb taking over the world and changing cuisine. If you’re a cilantro fanatic like us,
How to Keep Basil Fresh
Adding fresh herbs and spices to a dish is an easy way to bump up flavor and freshness. Basil is an ingredient found in so
How to Keep Lettuce Fresh
Learning how to keep lettuce fresh is the answer to saying goodbye to soggy, slimy, and wilted leaves. If you eat any lettuce, you know
How to Store Cilantro
Growing an herbal garden is an excellent way to add fresh flavor to your favorite meals. However, many herbs are fast growers and only last
How to Get Rid of Kitchen Sink Smell
Many people avoid dealing with a bad smell coming from their kitchen sink. No one likes a smelly kitchen, but the source of the problem
How to Store Watermelon
You wait all year with anticipation for your garden watermelons to ripen, and now they are ready to harvest. You lug them, one by one,
How to Freeze Corn
We all love lazy summer afternoons in the backyard with barbecued chicken and roasted corn on the cob. These fleeting moments only happen during the
How to Remove Slime from a Couch
Kids have so much fun with ooey-gooey, homemade slime. It’s too bad this fun science project often turns into a nightmare when you find it
How to Clean a Smelly Drain
If you have foul odors in your house and cannot find the source, it is likely due to a stinky drain. Mild clogging is frequent,
How to Stretch Sneakers
Comfortable shoes are staples to any wardrobe or lifestyle, and each pair is unique to the activity that takes place. Whether you’re climbing a mountain,
How to Remove Super Glue from Countertop
Maybe you were doing a craft in the kitchen and didn’t realize until afterward that it would have been a good idea to lay out
Can You Freeze Brewed Coffee
If you happen to be a regular coffee drinker, you may have wondered what to do with leftover coffee to avoid letting it go to
How to Stretch Leather Boots
Now and again, you find the perfect shoe that isn’t necessarily the ideal fit. This situation is especially true with boots that may be your
How to Keep Potatoes Fresh
Cold storage is useful for all kinds of vegetables, but how do potatoes react in those sorts of conditions? Can you keep potatoes in the
How to Remove Gum from a Dryer
The dreaded moment when you open the clothes dryer to discover that you forgot to clean out the pockets of your jeans is something none
How to Store Cucumbers
What could be better than crunching on a lightly salted, whole cucumber fresh from the farmers market, other than tossing sliced cukes into a garden
How to Clean Concrete
Concrete is a material commonly used in various forms, from sidewalks and patios to basement floors. This durable surface gets harder with age and needs
How to Stretch Leather Shoes
It doesn’t get much better than sliding on a new styling pair of shoes. Unfortunately, leather shoes tend to be tight and uncomfortable until you
Homemade Drain Deodorizer
Nothing can ruin the ambiance of cooking a delicious meal or taking a relaxing shower than stinky odors emanating from the drain. This unpleasant drain
How to Remove Decals from Car
Car decals are a fantastic way to make our cars stand out from all others, whether they represent views we have, celebrate academic achievements, or
How to Clean a Glass Coffee Carafe
Glass coffee carafes are attractive and timeless, yet cleaning carafes made of glass is more involved than other coffee carafes. This is both because of
How to Remove Gum from a Car Seat
We often chew gum as a quick and easy way to freshen our breath or relieve stress. Sometimes this helpful stress-reliever becomes the object of